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ŠUMARSKI LIST 10-12/1981 str. 33     <-- 33 -->        PDF

The Balanced Development in Forestry and Timber Industry of Yugoslavia

Summar y

On the basis of extensive investigations
the author concludes that in the planned
development there are numerous inconsistencies.
Using elaborated and highly
developed econometric technique, a simulated
model shows that the best export
possibilities lay in forestry and timber industry,
all the other lagging far behind.

Assuming more liberal economic policy,
based on the decisive role of the associated
labor, by directing investment into
forestry and timber industry may turn
the present unfavourable economy, burdened
by the negative balance of payment,
within short time into an efficient and
advantageous one.

Otok Hvar kod Jelse: alepski bor naseljava se na napuštene vinogradske površine.
Intenzivnijim pošumljavanjem ovom vrstom može se za kratko vrijeme proizvesti
celulozno drvo na području crnikinih šuma.