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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-7/1981 str. 20     <-- 20 -->        PDF

height growth dynamics an 10 young trees out of every species. The average height
of trees varied from 1,0 m to 1,5 m. The measurements were performed every 10
days. There is also the meteorological station in the nursery in which we regulary
observed the meteorological conditions.

In this three year period the climate was generally colder and more humid
than previous yearly averages.

The following were observed:

Norway Spruce starts its height growth at the beginning of the first third of
May and ends at the beginning of the second third of July. The most intensive
height growth is during the third decade of May and the first decade of June. In
May, 50.2% lenght of the annual hight growth is realized. 47.3°/» in June and 2.5%
in July. The duration of the height growth is 72 days.

Omorica Spruce starts its height growth at the beginning of the first or of the
second third of May and ends at the third decade in June or at the end of the first
third in July. The greatest height growth is at the end of the third decade of May
and at the first third of June. In May, 50.8% of the annual height growth is realized,
47.9% in June and 1.5% in July. The duration of the height growth is either 62 or
51 days.

Sitka Spruce starts its height growth at the beginning of the first or second
third in May, and ends at the end of the third decade in June. The greatest height
growth is at the end of May and at the beginning of June. In May, 63.5% length of
the annual height growth is realized, 35.9% in June and 0.6% in July. The duration
of the height growth is 62 days.

»Jedan od najznačajnijih proizvodno-pokusnih objekata osnovan je 1970.
na području Šumarije Skrad u šumskog predjelu Rogi, kota 705 m n. v. Tlo
je kiselo smeđe na permokarbonskim škriljevcima, a njegova fiziološki aktivna
dubina dosiže 50—100 cm. Površina je obrasla bukovom panjačom s pojedinačnim
stablima breze razasutim po cijeloj površini. Nakon izvršene sječe
osnovan je komparativni pokus sa šest vrsta četinjača...« Od svake vrste posađeno
je 121 biljaka. Deset godina kasnije tj. 1979. god. pojedine vrste postigle
su ove dimenzije (prva brojka visina u m, druga broj stabala na kojima
je mjeren prsni promjer u mm — treća brojka): obična smreka 1,48/117/15,2

— sitkanskä smreka (P. sithensis) 1,991101/22,7; 2,66/90/33; 1,35/110/10,4 — obična
jela 0,97/114/8,0 — golema jela (A. grandis) 1,72/119/19,6 — golema tuja
(Thuia plicata) 2,56/93/25,5 i zelena duglazija (Pseudotsuga menziensii) 5,701
(Iz knjige »šumsko gospodarstvo Delnice 1960—1980«, str. 187/188)