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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/1981 str. 60     <-- 60 -->        PDF


Bujaš , Z.: Psihofiziologija rada, Zagreb 1964.
No vosel , M.: Nesreće na radu d izostanci s posla.
Terzin, V. i Ranogajec, B.: Analiza odmora u toku radnog dana na sječi i

izradi. Informativni Bilten SŠGO »Slavonska šuma«, br. 247/77.

An Analysis of Accidents at Work


The author gives an analysis of injuries common amongst the workers employed
in forestry on the basis of factors generally deemed as relevant to injury causes.
The research is based on a 615 workers ample and the finding have been graphically
accounted for:

— the ration
between the number of accident and workers´ experience, Graphic
— the ratio
between the number of accidents and workers´ age, Graphics 2
and 3
— the ration between the number of injuries and shift length (workers´ age),
Graphic 4

— the ratio between the number of accidents and days of the week, Graphic 5
Graphic 4: Full line shows the average distribution; the intermittent line shows
the workers´ age up to 25 years; dotted line represents the workers´ age between

Graphic 5: full line represents the average distribution; the intermitent line shows
workers´ age up to 30 years and dotted line denotes workers´ age between 46—55
