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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/1981 str. 64     <-- 64 -->        PDF

8. Spai ć
I.: Neka ekološka opažanja i rezultati suzbijanja moljca jelinih iglica
(Argyresthia fundella F. R.), Sum. list br. 5—6, 1968.
9. Vajd a
Z.: Moljac jelovih iglica u sastojinama Gorskog Kotara, šum. list 9,
10, 1954.
New Knowledge on the Morphology and Biology of Fir Needle Moth Argyresthia
fundela F. R. (Lepidoptera: Tineidae)


While investigating the population dinamics of Argyresthia fundella F. R.
ihe author has found that without knowledge on some fundamental biological and
morphological characteristics of this insect, further progress is not possible. Therefore,
the author has made some thorough investigations with the following
purpose: to find the place where A. fundella lays eggs, morphological shape and
the size of the eggs, biotic potential of the species, the duration of embrional
development method of drilling into needle and other bio-ecological characteristics
related to it. The results of this investigation have shown that A. fundella

F. R. lays her eggs on the sprout and not on the needle as some earlier authors
thought. According to this preliminary observations and measurement the egg is
circular to oval in shape, 0,04 — 0,05 mm in length, 0,2 — 0,03 mm in width. It is
bossy on the upper sider with irregular pentagonal sculptures of the honey-comb
shape. Lower side is completely flat. Colour of the egg is yellow-orange. The eggs
are laid individually on one-and-two years old sprouts. The female lays between
18 and 20 eggs in total. The duration of developement is betwen 15 and 34
days depending on the climate conditions. For forcasting purposes tne authors has
also investigated the nutritional status of the Fir-tree by the method of foliar
analysis. The nutritious substances content obtained by the analiyss. The nutritious
substances´ content obtained by the analysis of needles is closeliy related to the
moth´s presence and to the intensity of its attack respectively. The author also
points out a certain coincidence between the percentage of the sugar (primarily
sacchorose) in the needles and the atack intensity of the moth on the various
localities in Gorski kotar. The author believes that he has solved a lot of dilemmas
related to A. fundella F. R. and that he has given a certain contribution to successful
fight of this S. R. Croatia´s characteristics pest.