prilagođeno pretraživanje po punom tekstu

ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/1981 str. 29     <-- 29 -->        PDF

Privredna komora Hrvatske, Zagreb, 1979: Analiza stanja i koncepcija razvoja industrije
celuloze i papira u SR Hrvatskoj.

Savezni komitet za poljoprivredu, Beograd, 1980: Analitička podloga za izradu Društvenog
dogovora o razvoju šumarstva za proizvodnju osnovnih proizvoda i
pošumljavanja u periodu 1981 — 1985. g.

Poslovna zajednica šumarstva, prerade drva i prometa, Zagreb, 1979: Analiza mogućnosti
razvoja šumsko prerađivačkog kapaciteta 1981 — 1985. g.
Republički zavod za društveno planiranje, Zagreb, 1979: Smjernice za pripremu i
usklađivanje plana razvoja u SR Hrvatskoj za razdoblje 1981 — 1985. g.
Republički komitet za znanost, tehnologiju i informatiku i JAZU, Zagreb, 1980:

Materijalni i društveni razvoj SR Hrvatske do 2 000 g. (referati).
Publikacije Saveznog zavoda za statistiku, Beograd, 1979. i 1980. god.
Publikacije Republičkog zavoda za statistiku, Zagreb, 1979. i 1980. god.
Publikacije SDK Jugoslavije i Hrvatske za 1979. i 1980. god.

The Status and Possibilities of Forestry and Wood Processing Industry
in the SR of Croatia in the 1981 — 1985 Period


The paper reviews the basis for planning of forestry development and wood
processing in the 1981 —1985 period. These two sectors are subject to joint planning
since they represent one reproductive entity, i. e. they are closely linked to each

In the above mentioned period the following activities and investments arc

1. Forestry
a) growing woods by simple biological reproduction over an area of 235,500
hectares, amounting to 1,870 Mil. Dinars

b) works characterized by the extended biological reproduction (afforestation
of new surfaces, land reclamation, intensive cultures and plantations) over
74,000 hectares, amounting to 3,270 Mil. Dinars

c) construction of forest roads in the length of 2,500 Km, amountig to 3,000
Mil. Dinars
d) 1,860 Mil. Dinares to be spent on the equipment, or a grand total of 10,000
Mil. Dinars (calculated on 1980 price-lists)

The expected growth of the basic forest products amounts to 2Vo. 0.5*/o should
be drived from the more rational usage of wood mass, 1.5°/o from the greater bulk
of cut wood, mainly in cubic meters obtained by thinning out the forests.

2. Wood Processing Industry
a) primary wood processing (Timber, veneer, wooden panels) Total investment
amounting to 3,300 Mil. Dinars.
b) final products (furniture, wooden components for civil engineering and similar)
amounting to 7,000 Mil. Dinars
c) Cellulose and paper production and processing in the amount of 11,000 Mil.
or a grand total of 22,300 Mil. Dinars calculated on 1980 pricelists.