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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/1980 str. 53     <-- 53 -->        PDF

5) Pokazala se statistički značajna razlika između potrebnog vremena 2a
sječu i izradu drva utvrđenog po Sistemu THV i onog izračunatog po normama
Šumskog gospodarstva »Josip Kozarac«.

6) Pokazala se signifikantna razlika između radnog vremena koje radnici
stvarno troše pri radu i onog vremena koje se radnicima priznaje prema
normama Šumskog gospodarstva »Josip Kozarac«.

7) Postoji mogućnost da predviđeni obujam sječe i izrade drva izvrši
s manjim brojem radnika bez opasnosti po zdravlje radnika. Primjena Sistema
THV omogućuje racionalno korištenje i objektivniju raspodjelu osobnih
dohodaka prema rezultatima rada.


Forstliche Versuchs — und Forschungsanstalt Baden-Württemberg: Der Erweiterte
Sortentarif (EST) Freiburg, 1979.
H a d ž i vu k o v i ć, S.: Planiranje eksperimenata (prvo izdanje). Beograd, 1977,
str. 282.
Samset, I. — Stramnes, R. — Vik.: Cutting Studies in Norwegian Spruce
and Pine Forests. Vollebekk, 1969.
T o m a n i ć, S. — H i t r e c, V. — V o n d r a, V.: Sistem određivanja radnog vremena
sječe i izrade drva. Zagreb, 1978. Str. 455.
T o m a n i ć, S.: Normiranje rada pri sječi i izradi drva. Zagreb, 1977, Str. 88.
Tuhärsky , P.: Vykonove normy a odmenovanie präc v lesnom hospodärstve.
Bratislava, 1965, Str. 280.


Possibilities an Applying Working Time Determination for Cutting and Primary
Conversion of Wood in the Forest Enterprise »Josip Kozarac«, Nova Gradiška,

The research results have been used for testing the applicability of the THV
System for the Forest Enterprise »Josip Kozarac«, Nova Gradiška.

The testing was done od 32 felling subsites scattered throughhout the forest ma
nagement area, with 9,187 trees alloted for felling. Prior to felling, the authors gave
a THV estimate of times needed for cutting and primary conversion of wood. The
allotted trees were then cut down and preparen into timber assortments totaling
9,522 ms of net timber quantity, whererby the cutting and primary conversion
of wood spent by workmen on each felling su´bsite wass measured. This was followed
by the authors´ computation of times the workmen needid for felling and
preparing the net timber quantity. On the other hand, the wages standards normally
applied at »Josip Kozarac« were worked out in terms of times being actually
allotted to the workmen for cutting and primary conversion of wood.

The THV time estimates prior to felling and the obtained THV times after
felling, the actually used felling and timber-preparation times, and the standard
times being corectly approved by forest management were compared. The t-testing
in pairs did not show statistically significant differences between the THV time