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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/1980 str. 20     <-- 20 -->        PDF

Popovski, P., Lev kova, P. (1977): Rezltati četverogodišnje proizvodnje
i pošumljivanja paperpot sadnicama u SR Makedoniji 1974 — 77. Jugoslavenski
poljoprivredno šumski centar, Beograd.
Puustjärvi , V., (1977): Peat and its use in hortikulture, Helsinki.
Ras tov ski, P. (1979): Utjecaj N, P i K hraniva na rast biljaka obične
smreke (Picea abies Karst.) uzgajanih na posebnom supstratu. Agrohemija,
No 3— 4, Beograd.
Rup f i dr. (1961): Der Forstpflanzgarten, München, Bonn, Wien.

Growth of Pinus nigra and Pinus brutia Plants with Regard to the Planting
Substrate and mineral Fertilizers

According to our investigation of the suitability of three types of peat: one
from Bosansko Grahovo and two from Polland, for the production of one year
old seedlings of Pinus nigra and Pinus brutia, we have come to the following

the applied peat can well be used as a substratum for the production of
high-quality seedlings of the observed species, but only along with the use of
suitable nutrition.

One year old seedlings of Pinus nigra were developing .stronger root-system
and more significant diameter growth, while Pinus brutia had more intensive bight
growth and produced more needles. With regard to the total amount of the biomass,
the studied species did not significantly differe. Of all the studied nutrients,
the application of phosphorus had the strongest effect on the cultivating of both
speciel on the peat from Bosansko Grahovo, and on the cultvating of Pinus nigra,
on the peat from Polland. The plants of Pinus brutia, cultivated on the peat from
Polland, reacted stronger on the additional amounts of nitrogen and potassium.

The use of peat from Bosansko Grahovo for the production of the forest seedlings
with the containerized root system, requires better homogenization and less
moisture. ,

Further investigations should be extended to some other types of frees,
the regulation of the substratum reaction, the dozing and the technique of the
application of mineral nutrients and the nutrition with the microelements.