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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/1980 str. 44 <-- 44 --> PDF |
21. Š afar, J.: Osnovne smjernice uzgoja i obnove sastojina u šumama Medvednice, ekspertiza, 1963. igod. 22. Odluk e NO grada Zagreba: o proglašenju Medvednice park-šumom, Službeni glasnik NO Zagreba, 1954, br. 9. — o proglašenju Medvednice izletištem, SI. gl., 1963, br. 8. —´ o utvrđivanju erozionih područja, SI. gl., 1961, br. 21. 23. Prijedlog Konzervatorskog zavoda Hrvatske o proglašenju Medvednice nacionalnim parkom iz 1950. 24. Rješenje Zavoda za zaštitu prirode SR Hrvatske o proglašenju šumskih predjela rezervatima iz 1963. 25. Tla gornje Posavine i Pedološka karta Zagreb, Institut za pedologiju i tehnologiju tla u Zagrebu. THE MEDVEDNICA WOODS AS THE RECREATION CENTRE OF ZAGREB Summary Zagreb is situated at southern of mountain Medvednica. Ms outskirts are the direct connection with Medvedenica, which appears as the natural choice for leasure and recreation centre of its citizens. Medvednica is overgrown with woods and in this article the author is giving data on these forests. The widest distributed species of Medvednica is beech (Fagus silvatica L.). Amongst other foliacelous trees there is the sessile oak (Quercus petrae Liebl.), lungwort oak (Quercus pubescens Wild.), hornbeam (Carpinus betulus L.), sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa MILL), common ash (Fraxinus excelsior (L.) and common maple (Acer Pleudoplatanus L.). Amongst the conifers there is the white fir (Abies alba Mill.) The forests of Medvednica have been having the status of park-forest for over 30 wears now. Cutting has been decreased and the mass of wood has increased by aproximately 30°/o. This mass amounts to over 700 m3, per ha with a portion of fir trees. There are several special forests reservations and Medvednica protected by the Nature Protection Law (page 333), along with several protected species of plants, geological forms and so on. In 1980 the 22,826 ha of Medvednica has been declared for the »park of nature«. |