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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/1980 str. 40     <-- 40 -->        PDF

Rauš , Đ. (1973): Fitocenološke značajke i vegetacijska karta fakultetskih šuma
Lubardenik i Opeke. Preštampano iz šumarskog lista br. 5—6, Zagreb.

Rauš , Đ. (1973): Prilog poznavanju jednogodišnjih količina prostirke u šumskim
zajednicama Posavne. Ekologija, Vol. 8, No. 2, 295—301, Beograd.

Rauš , Đ. (1973): Vegetacijska karta fakultetske šume »OPEKE« fkod Lppovljana.
GZH Zagreb.

Rauš , Đ. (1974): Karta šumskih zajednica gospodarske jedinice »Josip Kozarac«
kod Lipovoljana, Grafički zavod Hrvatske.

Rauš , Đ. (1975): Vegetacijski i sinekološki odnosi šuma u bazenu Spačva (Disertacija).
Glasnik za šumske pokuse, Cknj. 18, Zagreb.

Rauš , Đ. (1976): Trajno zaštićeni rezervati šumske vegetacije u SR Hrvatskoj i
mogućnosti njihova istraživanja. Ekologija, Vol. 11. No. 2, 115—131, Beograd.

Rauš , Đ. (1978): Šumski ekosistemi otoka Raba (od XV do XX stoljeća). Preštampano
iz Šumarskog lista br. 1—3, Zagreb.

Tüxen, R. et Preis ing, E. (1942) Grundbegriffe und Methoden zum Studium
der Wasser — und Sumpfpflanzen — Gesellschaften. — Dtsch. Wasswirtsch.,
37/1 : 10—17, München.

Comparative Investigations of the Ecosystems in Croatia

(1st piase)


The authors inform on the organization of permanently plots for long term
investigations of ecosystems in Croatia.

A number of plots will include important natural and antropogenic ecosystems
on the horizontal and vertical profiles of all biogeographical regions in Croatia,
in agreement with the conclusions of the Yugoslav Ecological Society and
Croatian Ecological Society.

So far 26 plots have been established in norhern Croatia including 20 forest
ecosystems, 2 grassland, 2 swamp and 2 agroecosystems.. .

The investigations started in several ploth. The total biomass was measured
in the layer of herbaceous plants and shrubs on the plot of Opeke — Lipovljani.
The results show that accumulated biomass of this layer amount to 1371,939 kg
of fresh biomas per ha (or 764,717 kg of dry biomass).

Two plots with maize and oat are also protected and the floristic composition
of these stands was investigated. The maize field is situated in the
eastern part of Croatia (Vukovar — Jelaš) where one could expect the hoe weed
vegetation belonging to the alliance Eragrostidion. However, the weed coverage
and floristical composition are very poor because of herbicide treatment. The
other field situated in western Croatia (Petrinja) was covered by oat, but cultures
rotated each year.

The plot with grassland and swamp vegetation is situated near
Okučani (central Croatia). The grassland vegetation belongs to the association
Trifolio-Agrostietum stoloniferae Markovie 73 (class Molinio — Arrbienatheretea),
and the swamp vegetation belongs to the classes Isoeto-Nanojuncetea and Phragmitetea.