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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/1980 str. 46 <-- 46 --> PDF |
SUMMARY I. Munjko, Dj. Mandić, and D. Kalinović The Influence of Petroleum and Petroleum Derivatives on Seed Germination The authors have investigated the influence of petroleum (Beničanci field — B and Stružec Field — S) as well of crude oil (M) on the seed germination of alfalfa (Medicago saliva), winter wheat (Tricum vulgare) ad corn (Zea mays indivisible hybrid OSSK218).The testing was carried out by soaking soil in petroleum or crude oil according to Krasiljnikov. These experiments showed the toxicity of these substances to be 50—100"/», and the larger seeds (corn kernels) proved to be more sensitive than the smaller ones (wheat and alfalfa). The photographs show the sensitivity of wheat seeds to the toxicity of petroleum S (Fig. 1 — soaked 24 hours), petroleum B (Fig. 2 — soaked 48 hours) and controls (Fig. 4 — soaked in water for 48 hours). »Tajnik Andrija Borošić priobćuje: 3. da je gospodar, ured gjurjevač, imovne obćine priobćio dopisom od 7. VII. 1909. br. 6568 ex 1908., da ga je gospodarstveni odbor imovne obćine ovlastio, da u proračun za g. 1910. uvrsti svotu od 400 K, kao podupirajući prinos imovne obćine hrv. slav. šumar, društvu — dakle ne samo da je taj prinos ove godine već povišen od 40 K na 200 K, nego eto u budućoj godini biti će povišen dapače na 400 K.« (Sum. list, 1910, br. 1, str. 29) |