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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/1980 str. 37     <-- 37 -->        PDF

B o j a n i n, S., Sever, S.: Istraživanje učinka traktora gusjeničara TDT
55, kod izvlačenja duge oblovine jasena, na nizinskom blatnjavom terenu.
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Durchforstungverfahren am Beispiel des Durchforstungs — Processors
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Häberl e S.: Zur Quantifizierung des Stüokmassegesetzes über Gundfunktionen
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Krohn , B.: Der Leistungsgewicht eines Forstspezialschleppers. Forstarchiv,
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Krohn , B.: Landwitschaftliche Schlepper oder Spezialschlepper. Forstechn.
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A Comparative Investigation of Various Tractor Types in Round Timber
Skidding Lowland Forests

The authors have investigated the efficacy of several tractor types in skidding
of round timber from forests to depot as follows:

— from oak stands in tie lowlands on dry terrain in an expoited mature
forest using a Timberjack 360 articulated tractor with normal and wide tires.
At removal distances from .5 to 1 km, the use of wide tirees resulted in the
expenditure of 30°/« more time than when the normal tires were used;
— from muddy terrain in ash stands the use of the caterpillar tractor
TDT-55 showed to be more profitable for log removal than the used of an articulated
— for the removal of narow logs such as those resulting from forest thinnig,
the researchers tested the agricultural tractors IMT-55 and ZETOR-5748
which were both of equal strength and confirmed that their use is more economical
than the use of heavier articulated tractors.
Graph 3 shows the speed of the adapted agricultural tractor 1MT-558 over
various distances when empty (A) and when loaded (B) and Fig. 4 gives the same
information for the ZETOR 5748 tractor.