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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/1980 str. 22     <-- 22 -->        PDF


S. Bertović
Some Vegetation and Climat Characteristics of Localities on High and Medium

Mountains in the AIpine-Dinara Massif

The data analyzed show the trends and differences among several parameters
of air temperature, precipitation, i. e. climate, during a 16-year observation
period (1955—1970) at the meterological stations at Kredarica (2515 m), Bjelašnica
(2067 m) and Vučjak (1594 m). As the position of each of these
Statitions is also representative from the phytogeographic standpoint, the correlation
of the regional climates and the climatic zone plant communities in the
mountain belt (Kredarica — Potentilletum nitidae Wikus etc.) the upper pre-
mountainous undbelt (Bjelašnica — Pinetum mughi illyricum Horv.) and in the
lower pre-mountainous underbelt (Vučjak — Aceri — f age turn illyricum Horv.)
is clear.

The data confirmed are directly important to phytologic bioclimatology and
also indirectly for zoologic bioclimatology. These are good as a basis
and starting point for te comparison of microclimatologic, pedalogic, phytocentologic,
zoologic and other ecobilogic research to better characterize the biotopes

The established data are important directly for phytologic bioclimatology and
also indirecthy importat for zoologic bioclimatology. These are good as a basis
and starting point for ithe comparison of microclimatologic, pedologic, phytocenologic,
zoologic and other ecobiologic resarch to better characterize the biotopes
and ecosystems (biocenosis) when establishing natur and bioshere reserves in our
mountainous and premountainous areas.

All of this research and data gathered are increasingly significant for the
modern organization and usage of space for various economic activites such
as forestry, hunting, pasturing, stock raising, tourist trade et. as well as the conservation
of nature and of te human environment.