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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/1980 str. 61     <-- 61 -->        PDF

Lorenz, Dr Jos. R.: Bericht über die Bedigungen der Aufforstung und
Cultivirung des croatischen Karstgebirgers, koji je objavljen u časopisu »Mittheilungen
der kaiserlich-koeniglichen geographischen Gesellschft«, IV Jahrgang,
Wien, 1860. — ovdje citiran prema prijepisu koji se nalazi u Zavodu za
uzgajanje šuma Šumarskog fakulteta u Zagrebu.
Pe t račić , A.: Šumsko-dendrološke bilješke iz područja Malinska-Glavotok
na otoku Krku, Šum. list 1941, str. 1—7.
P i š k o r i ć, O.: Dinamika visinskog prirasta izbojaka iz panjeva česmine
(Quercus ilex L.); Šum. list, Zagreb 1963, str. 122—133.
ŠUMARSKA ENCIKLOPEDIJA, sv. 1 i 2; Zagreb, 1959. i 1963.
Wessely , J.: Das Karstgebiet Militärkroatiens und seine Rettung, dann die
Karstfrage überhaupt, Wien, 1876, kojeg je prijevod objavljen u Šumarskom
listu 1877.

The Natural Distribution of Evergreen Decidous Trees in the Upper Part of
Croatian Littoral

The existence of evergreen decidous trees on the North Croatian littoral has
not been described in detail heretofore. During 1978-79, the author investigated
the distribution of evergreen deciduous species (Quercus ilex L., Phillyrea variabilis
Timb. et Lor. etc) and described all the localities in the area between
Kraljevica and Senj in terms of natural evergreen distribution, including Quercus
ilex. Both Quercus ilex and Phillyrea variabilis Timb. restore themselves naturally
from seed. The author has established that in pubescent oak and oriental hornbeam
forests, laurel (Laurus nobilis L.) and laurestine (Viburnum tinus L.) are invading
by means of seeds from trees coming from parks in Crikvenica, Novi and other
localites. In addition, the author noted the existence of an oasis of Quercus
ilex in the elm groves on the Southeast Istrian coast (near the ferry wharf).