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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/1979 str. 89     <-- 89 -->        PDF



Forest Enterprise Ogulin organized a consultation on selection forests management,
which took place at Ogulin on 19. October 1979. There were 9 papers
delivered with discussion to follow.

The first paper on »Selection method in forest managemet in our country
and in the world« was delivered by Prof. Dr. Dušan Klepac. In the first
pard his paper Prof. Klepa c has presented the problem of selection forests
management in this region, as it was registered in the »Šumarski list« since
1898. Further on the author spoke about characteristics of the selection method
and circumstances under which this method can be applied. He also presented
the selection management in the management unit »Sungerski lug«, which is
the educational and experimental centre of the Forestry Faculty of Zagreb. This
forest was formerly the property of the village community Sunger. Cuttings in
that forest were very moderate, so that the growing stock taken over amounted
to 1,200 m3 per ha. According to the revision of the management plan of 1975.
the annual increment of fir and spruce amounted to 9,50 m3 per ha. Finally the
author dealt with possibilities of applying stem selection method and group
slection method in that region.

Eng. P. N e ž i ć presented the relation of even-aged and all-aged forests in
the continental part of Socialist Republic of Croatia, the former occupying 30,4%,
and the latter 69,6% per area, whereas the relation betwen the annual increment
increment and annual cut made 29%> : 71°/». Further on he quoted that the Forest
Enterprise Ogulin managed 8% of the area and 8,8°/» of the growing stock of
all forests in Croatia, producing 9,1% of timber in the log and 4%> of cordwood.
Finally he recommended group selection method, refering to the suggestions of
Prof. Dr. M 1 i n š e k and the Swedish forest expert in OECD Birger Erikson.
The basic reasons for it were the better possibility for regeneration in the group
selection method in relation to the stem selection method.

Eng. S. M i 1 k o v i ć gave some data about what was anticipated by the state
forests in the district of the Forest Enterprise Ogulin until 1945. and Eng.

B. Momčilovi ć provided some data on the management in the period 1945—
1976, i. e. in present-day Yugoslavia.
Eng. N. J u g o v i ć presented the application of typological investigations
on forest management the Forest Enterprise Delnice. There were 74,679 ha of
managed and 12,407 ha of unmanaged forests (the latter in the littoral zone)
owned by that enterprise. The portion of coniferous trees (fir and spruce) amounted
to 60°´», and broadleaved trees 40°/o (mainly beech). Some 400,000 m3 a