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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/1979 str. 3     <-- 3 -->        PDF


Glasilo Saveza inženjera i tehničara šumarstva i drvne industrije Hrvatske

Journal of the Union of Forestry Societes of Croatia — Organe del´Union des Societes
forestieres de Croatie — Zeitschrift des Verbandes der Forstvereine Kroatiens

Br. — No 9—10/1979.


UDK 634.0:339.233.1/338.6

Kraljić , B.: Aktualni ekonomsko-financijski i organizacioni problemi u reprodukciji
šumarstva — Actual Economic, Financial and Organizational Problems in Forestry
Reproduction — Problemes actuels ćconomico-finaneiers et organisationeis dans la
reproduction d´economie forestiere — Aktuelle ökonomisch-financielle und organisatorische
Probleme in der Reproduktion der Forstwitschaft (411)

UDK 634.04.632.7/9:

Glavaš , M.: O suzbijanju Scirrhia acicola Siggers u Crvenoj Luci — Control of Scirrhia
acicola Siggers in Crvena Luka — Lutte contre Scirrhia acicola Siggers ä Crvena
Luka — Bekämpflung der Scirrhia acicola Siggers in Crvena Luka (429)

UDK 634.02.12:582.475 1001.891 Pinaceae

Orl i ć, S.: Prvi rezultati komparativnog pokusa uzgajanja nekih domaćih i stranih vrsta
četinjača — First Results of Comparative Cultivation Test With Some Indigenous
and Foreign Coniferous Tree Species — Premier resultats d´essai de culture comparative
avec quelques especes coniferes indigenes et etrangeres — Erste Ergebnisse
eines vergleichenden Anbauversuches mit einigen einheimischen und fremden Nadelholzarten

UDK 595.75

K r a n j č e v, R.: Polunametnicl Loranthus europaeus Jack, i Viscum album L. (Fam.
Loranthaceae) kao domaćini gusjenica staklorilaca (Aegeriiđae — Sesiidae, Lepid.)

— Hemiparasites Loranthus Europaeus Jack, and Viscum Album L. (Fam. Loranthaceae)
as Host-Plants of Clear-Wing Moth Larvae (Aegeriidae- Sesiidae, Lepid.) —
Hemiparasites Loranthus europaeus Jack, et Viscum album L. (Fam. Loranthaceae)
comme plants-hötes de larves de sesies (Aegeriidae — Sesiidae, Lepid.) —
Hemiparasiten Loranthous europaeus Jack, und Viscum album L. als Wirtspflanzen
der Glasflüglerlarven (Aegeriidae — Sesiidae, Lepid.) (445)
UDK 647.1/4 ;582.26.29

M u n j k o, I. i dr.: Preliminarna ispitivanja biološke razgradnje fenola i acetona mikroflorom
koja raste na lišajima — Biodecomposition of Phenol and Aceton by Means
of Lichens and Their Microflora — Preliminary Investigations — Biodecomposition
de phenol et acetone par lichens et leur microflore — Investigations preliminaires

— Biologische Phenol- und Azeton-Zersetzung durch Flechten und deren Microflora
— Preliminäre Untersuchungen (455)

Đ. D e k i ć : Uloga šume u zaštiti životne sredine (468)

B. T k a 1 e i ć : Problem zaštite šumske vegetacije, posebno na zadarskom arhipelagu (475)