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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/1979 str. 89     <-- 89 -->        PDF


Emrović , B.: Konstrukcija jednoulaznih tablica — tarifa. Zagreb 1972.
Klepac , D.: Kako je reagirala 50-godišnja sastojina hrasta lužnjaka nakon
jakih proreda? Sum. list br. 11/12, 469-475, Zagreb 1964.
Pranjić , A.: Sastojinske visinske krivulje hrasta lužnjaka. Sum. list 1970.
Pranjić , A.: Odnos visinskog i debljinskog prirasta u sastojinama hrasta
lužnjaka (disertacija) Zagreb 1975.
Spiranec , M. Drvogromadne tablice. Poslovno udruženje šumsko privrednih
organizacija. Zagreb 1975.

Standart Height Curves and Single — Entry Tables for Oak Pedunculate

The author´s investigations demonstrate that the standard height curves of
Pedunculate Oak ought to be prepared separately for each site class (forets
community) of a determinate silvical management. By applying the Mihajlov´s
function of adjustment the standard height curves of individual site class can
be given in the form of an equation. The standard height curves of Pedunculate
Oak and Hornbeam of moderate thinning have the following equation:

0,4 (h — 5)

d — 1,30 = 1,25 h e

The author has constructed the single-entry tables by means of the prepared
standard height curves and two-entry volumene tables for Pednuculate Oak
(Spiranec 1975). The Spiranec´s double-entry tables for Pedunculate Oak have
been constructed by computation and their equation is a follows

2,048384 0,892124

v = 0,00004968 d h

These tables give the tree volume with branches down to inclusively 3 cm
in diameter at the smaller end. In this manner we can construct the number
of tarif series at will, of course, taking in accont the maximal mean stand height
(of the productive part of stand) as well as the desired height interval (difference
of the medium heights of the developmental stages of stand). By means of
an electronic computer of the Zagreb University Computation Centre the author
lias prepared and tabulated 30 tariff series numbered 10 to 39. The number of
the tariff series is determined by mean stand height.