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ŠUMARSKI LIST 8-10/1978 str. 11 <-- 11 --> PDF |
LITERATURA 1. Cindrić , Ž.: Sistem i organizacija meteorološke prognoze za potreoe tijela za zaštitu šuma od požara — Zagreb, 1973. 2. Cindrić , Ž.: Preventivne prognoze stupnja opasnosti od šumskih požara, Simpozij Meteorologija-gospodarstvo, Ljubljana, 1974, Društvo meteorologov Slovenije, Razprave, pos. štev. 1975, str. 261—268. 3. Cindrić , Ž.: Klima istočne jadranske obale, biljni pokrivač i učestalost šumskih požara — Tehničko savjetovanje o šumskim požarima mediteranskog područja. 9—18. V 1977 — Francuska. 4. Crome r O. P.: Weather and forest fire behavior quarterly, Boston, 1954, National. 5. Countryman, C. M., F o s b e r g, M. A., Rodhermal, R. C, Schroed e r, M. J.: Firewether and fire behaviour in the 1966 »Loop fire«, fire technology, May 1968, str. 126—141, Boston. 6. Deeming, J. E., Lancaster, J. W.: National fire danger rating system, fire, 1971/2, str. 4—8. 7. Fischer, C. W., Hardy, E. C: Fire — Weather Observers Handbock, USDA Forest service. 1972. 8. G a 1 k a, S.: Oslona lesnictwa, Gazeta Obserwatora, PIHM, Warszawa, 1956, Nr. 11. 9. Geiger , R.: Neue Unterlagen für eine Waldbrandbekämpfung. II Teil — Witterungsbedingungen für Waldgrossbrände. 10. Kurbacki , N. P.: Tehnika i taktika gašenja šumskih požara, VSJ, Biblioteka »Protivpožarna zaštita, Beograd, 1966, prijevod. 11. Me Arthur , A. G.: Fire danger rating systems, FAO UNESCO Technical consultation on forest fires in the mediteranean region — 9—18. V 1977 — France. 12. Niestierow , W. G.: Goriwost lesa i metody jeje opriedielenja — Moskwa, 1949. 13. Reneuve , P.: Les methodes d´evaluation des dangers d´incendie forestier en Amerique du Nord, Revue forestiere francais, Nancy Nr. 6, 1950. 14. Svorcek , A. J.: 50 years of fire weather service, Fire, 1965/2, str. 8—9. 15. Tham s von, J. C: Zur Meteorologie der Waldbrände, »Leben und Umwelt«, 1953, Nr. 5. 16. Tikkala , W. R.: Technology transfer — a process for improving fire management in North America FAO/UNESCO technical consultation on forest fires in the Mediterranean region, France, 9—18. V 1977; Š. list 1—3/78. 17. Vajda , Z.: Zaštita šuma, Zagreb, 1965. 18. Wilson , C. C: Protecting conifer plantations against fire in the Mediterraemean region, FAO/UNESCO Technical consultation on forest fire in the mediterraenean region, 9—18. V 1977, France. 19. Ž u n k o, O. - C i n d r i ć, Ž.: Tehničko savjetovanje o protupožarnoj zaštiti šuma na mediteranskom području, Francuska 9—18. V 1977, Zasreb 1977, str. 1—55. 20. Žunko , O.: Protupožarna zaštita šuma, Šumarski institut Jastrebarsko, Radovi, God. 1976, br. 27. SUMMARY Meteorology as an integral part of the organization of forest protection against fire In the article are discussed the necessity and need for including the hydrometeorological service in the general efforts for protecting forests against fire. This is manifested in the formation and determination of »fire climatic regions«. Further on the influence of the corresponding parameters significative of the origin and spreading of forest fires are described, as wel as a need for meteorologists to take part on the occasion of extinguishing of forest fires for the purpose of checking the »climate of fire«. |