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ŠUMARSKI LIST 4-5/1978 str. 22     <-- 22 -->        PDF


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Kiš, D., Bertović, S., Mart ino vić, J., R i c o v, Š. (1972): Znanstveni
projekt »Štetni utjecaj požara na vegetaciju, biotop i pejzaž u priobalnom području
SR Hrvatske«. Fond dokumentacije Urbanističkog instituta SR Hrvatske,
Kov da, V. A. (1974): Biosphere, soils and their utilization, Moskva, 1974.
L o s s a i n t, P. (1973): Soil-Vegetation Relationships in Mediterranean Ecosystems
of Southern France. Mediterranean Type Ecosystems, Berlin, Heidelberg,
New York.
Missbach , K. (1972): Waldbrand, Verhütung und Bekämpfung. VEB,
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Mooney, H.A., Parsons, D. J. (1973): Structure and function of the California
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Remezov, N. P., Pogrebnjak, P. S. (1965): Vlijanje na počva i počvoobrazovatelnij
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Škorić, A., Filipov ski, Gj., Ć i r i č, M. (1973): Klasifikacija tala Jugoslavije.
XXX Klimatski podaci SR Hrvatske, razdoblje 1948—1960. Republički hidrometeorološki
zavod SR Hrvatske, Serija II, br. 5, Zagreb, 1971.

Influence of the vegetation fire on the soil and nutrition of forest trees

In the 1974—1975 period were performed in the coastal region of Croatia
investigations on changes in the soil and nutrition of forest trees and shrubs
caused by the vegetation fire. In eight sample areas (Tab. 1) the reaction of soil,
humus content, total nitrogen, physiologically active phosphorus and potassium,
and the mechanical composition of soil were investigated. On the comparative
parcels through foliar analysis were comprised the concentrations of N, P, K, Ca
and Mg on the most represented forest trees and shrubs. On the basis of the
results of investigations (Tabs. 2 and 3) the authors came to the following conclusions:

1. In the most represented soil types in Dalmatia (the brown soil on limestones,
terra rossa and rendzinas on flysch) there occured changes of the basic
components of the soil fertility under the influence of fire. These changes, taken
on the whole, are very harmful. They manifest themselves in a destruction of
the forest litter, diminution of the humus content in soil, transient and uneconomical
increase of nitrogen and physiologically active phosporus and potassium.
A special menace represents the disturbance of the natural structure of the
natural structure of the strongly carbonate soils through which their susceptibility
to erosion is greatlly increased.
2. In the investigated site conditions the forest trees and shrubs (Quercus
ilex, Pinus halepensis, Pinus maritima, Arbutus Unedo, etc.) show on burned areas
a more favourable condition of nutrition with nitrogen, phosphorus and to a certain
degree also with magnesia. Such a favourable condition is maintained only in
the first years after the fire. Because of the washing out and superficial carrying-
off of nutrients from the soil, it was established a worsening of the nutrition
on a specimen of Pistachia-tree already after the fourth year.
Dr Jakob MARTINOVIĆ, divi. inž.
Ovaj je rad referat sa savjetovanja Dr Nikola KOMLENOVIĆ.
»Uloga šume i šumske vegetacije u divi. inž. šum.,

oba iz Instituta za šumarstvo

zaštiti čovjekove okoline u odnosu


na Jadransko područje«, održano Dr Dušan JEDLOWSKI,
4—6. III 1976. god. u Zadru. divi. inž. šum.,

Inst. za jadr. kult. i mel. krša, Split