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ŠUMARSKI LIST 10-12/1977 str. 94     <-- 94 -->        PDF


The importance of the ecological-productive potential of the degraded forests
of the sub-Mediterranean region of Herzegovina in the protection of human

On the basis of the authors´ results obtained from the ecologicakproductive
classification of the degraded coppice forests were elaborated guidelines for
the planning of forest-cultural works in the aforementioned region. This typological
classification also yielded elements for the protection of man´s environment,
the forming of landscape and promotion of tourism.

With respect to the problem of protection of human environment there
was carried out a classification of forest types according to 1. the site productivity,
2. the protective functions of site, 3. the susceptibility of the site to
erosion, 4. the function of the landscape formation and area management, and 5.
the hunting, tourist and recreation facilities.

Ovaj rad je referat sa savjetovaDoc.
Dr Čedomir BURLICA,
nja »Uloga šume i šumske vegedipl.
inž. šum.,
tacije u zaštiti čovjekove okoline Doc. Dr Hamza DIZDAREVIĆ,
u zaštiti čovjekove okoline u oddipl.
inž. šum.,
nosu na Jadransko područje« o-

Doc. Dr Nihad PROLlC,

držano 4—6. III 1976. u Zadru.

dipl. inž. šum.,

Prof. Dr Vitomir STEFANOVIČ,

dipl. inž. šum.

svi Šumarski fakultet u Sarajevu;

Branibor FABIJANlC,

dipl. inž. šum.

Zavod za zaštitu spomenika

kulture SR BiH, Sarajevo