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ŠUMARSKI LIST 10-12/1977 str. 84 <-- 84 --> PDF |
6. Lovri ć N.: Mogućnost primjene centralnog izvlačenja kod planiranja i projektiranja šumskih transportnih sistema. Šumarski fakultet, Zagreb, 1976. 7. Lovri ć N.: Primjena stabilizacije materijala na području Šumskog gospodarstva SI. Požega, 1976. 8. Lovri ć N.: Primjena stabilizacionih materijala u izgradnji šumskih putova na području Šumskog gospodarstva »Mojica Birta«, Bjelovar, Simpozij o mehanizaciji tehnoloških procesa u suvremenim sistemima gospodarenja šumama, Bjelovar, 1974. SUMMARY Soil stabilization using lime in the building of forest transport systems The author deals with the needs and possibilities of applying soil stabilization when building forest transport systems from the engineering-economic viewpoint of exploitation of forest areas. The whole survey is divided in six parts. In parts I and II is given a survey of data on the application of soil stabilization with lime in the building of forest road networks on the territory of the forest enterprises of the SR of Croatia. In parts III and IV are dealt with the sphere and method of soil stabilization with lime in building forest transport systems. For this purpose are presented diagrammatically the aforementioned systems and the region where there is a possibility of applying soil stabilization in the building of such systems. Part V and VI of the survey offer engineering-economic data, from which is to be seen the advantage of soil stabilization with lime in the construction of forest road carriageways, in comparison with the conventional building method. Primljeno 20. VII 1977. Prof, dr Ninoslav LOVRIĆ, dipl. inž. šum., šef Katedre za šumska transportna sredstva i građevinarstvoŠumarskog fakulteta u Zagrebu, Šimunska c. 25. »Nepoznati autor iz godine 1880. u svom članku upozorava na zanemarenu izgradnju šumskih cesta, a s namjerom da se na taj način otvore nepristupačne šume i osigura povoljan transport šumskih proizvoda.« (Povijest šumarstva Hrvatske 1846 —1976. godine kroz stranice Šumarskog lista, Zagreb, 1976., str. 270) |