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ŠUMARSKI LIST 10-12/1977 str. 53     <-- 53 -->        PDF

Skuhravy, V., Čapek, M., Hochmut, R. (1974): Verwendung von Lymantria
disipar^Pheromon zur Kontrolle des Vorkommens und der Flugsdauer von Lymantria
monacha L. und Lymantria dispar L. Anz. Schädlingskde, Pflanzen-
Umweltschutz, 47, pp. 58—62.

Skuhravy , V., Hochmut , R. (1976): Methodische Probleme des Fanges von
Lymantria monacha L. (Lepid., Lymantriidae) in verschiedenen Pheromon-
Lookfallen. Anz. Schädlingskde, Pflanzen-Umweltschutz, 49, pp. 55—58.

Stevens , L. J., Beroza , M. (1972): Mating inhibition field tests using disparlure,
the synthetic gypsy moth sex pheromone. J. Econ. Entom., V. 65, pp.


Experiments of controlling the Gypsy Moth (Lymantria dispar L).
with the aid of the sex attractant Disparlure

Through field investigations was examined the possibility of controlling the
Gypsy Moth by the aid of the sex attractant Disparlure (a product of the Herculite
Protective Fabric Corp., New York, contained in Hereon dispensers). Data
relating to the variants of the experiments are presented in Tab. 1. The attractants
were placed in the middle of sheet metal plates (sized 25 X 33 cm), which
were coated with glue on one side. Numerical data concerning the trapped males
of the Gypsy Moth are given in Tab. 2. From these data the inference may be
drawn that the result is the better the greater the number of installed trap
points baited with attractan. In variant D (9 dispensers/ha) were trapped even
6 times more males than in variant A (1 dispenser/ha). Thus it is evident that
one trap point per hectare is not sufficient to attract most males, let alone all
of them.

The querry arises whether it is possible to increase the attractiveness of
Disparlure considerably. In variant B, which distinguished itself from variant C
only by a better quality of pheromone (higher attractiveness), there were trapped
about 25 %» males more, but this is insufficient in relation to variant D. The
author considers that in practical control measures over large areas the installing
and control of one trap already would involve considerable working difficulties,
and that several trap points per hectare cannot be taken into consideration. He
is of the opinion that the so-called confusion method has better advantages in
the application on larger forest areas.

Primljeno 16. V 1977. Prof, dr IVAN SPAlC,
dipl. inž. šum.,
Katedra za zaštitu šuma
Šumarskog fakulteta
u Zagrebu,
Šimunska c. br. 25.
