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ŠUMARSKI LIST 10-12/1977 str. 48     <-- 48 -->        PDF

bala po hektaru ili 7,4% od ukupnog broja stabala s temeljnicom od
1,94 m2 ili 10,9% od ukupne temeljnice i drvnom masom od 13,05 ili
11,4% od ukupne mase sastojine;

provedenim zahvatom na radnoj dionici 1 udio stabala gornje etaže
s kvalitetnim deblom povećao se s 30,6 % na 38,7 %, dok na radnoj
dionici 2, gdje je udio ovih stabala oko 34%, nije došlo do bitnih

Fabijanić, B.-Burlica, Č. (1970): Ekološke prilike i osnovni tipovi šuma.
Šumsko privredna osnova G. J. »K-ruščica« za period 1970—1980, Travnik.
Hidrometeorološka služba SFRJ (1961—1971): Meteorološki godišnjak.
Savezni hidrometeorološki zavod Beograd.
Matić , V. i dr. (1971): Stanje šuma u SR BiH prema inventuri šuma na velikim
površinama u 1964—1968. godini, Sarajevo.
M i 1 o s a v 1 j e v i ć, M. (1951): Klimatologija. Beograd.
Mirk o vic, D. (1948): Dendrometrija. Beograd.
Pintarić , K. (1973): Rezultati istraživanja uticaja proreda na prirast drvne
mase po količini i kvalitetu u G. J. »Igman« kod Sarajeva. Radovi šumarskog
fakulteta i Instituta za šumarstvo u Sarajevu, godina XVI, Sarajevo.
Schädelin , W. (1956): Selektivna proreda. Narodni šumar, Sarajevo.
S t e f a n o v i ć, V. (1975): Tipovi šuma hrasta kitnjaka u Bosni i Hercegovini,
Sarajevo (Manuskript).

Investigations on the influence of stand teendirtg on
the production and quality of Sessile Oak coppice forests

In the SR of Bosnia and Hercegovina there exist considerable areas of former
scrubs of Sessile Oak in which, 15—20 years ago, were sporadically performed
improvement interventions by cleaning, so that today they correspond to
coppice forests. Cleanings were performed by thinning stool^shoots. For the purpose
of determining the influence of stand tending on the production of volume
and its quality by the method of intensive thinning, the author has laid out an
experimental plot in the management unit of Kruščica (Lašva forest region).
In the paper are set out data on the condition of the stand before the thinning
and on the intensity of the intervention performed.

Data on the condition of the stand on the experimental plot before and
after intervention are presented in Graphs 2—5. In these graphs the 1st group
of columns refers to the control subplot, 2nd group to subplot I or subplot of
a more intensive selective thinning (17.7 °/o by stem number and 26.8 °/» by volume),
while the 3rd group refers to subplot II or the subplot of weaker thinning
(7.4u/o by stem number and 11.4%» by volume). In Graphs 2—4 ´the entire
height indicates the total amount removed, while the hatched area designates
the removal by thinning, i. e. Graph 2 — stem distribution, Graph 3 — removal
by basal area, Graph 4 — removal by volume.

In Graph 5 is presented the quality of the stems, i. e., under A — upper
storey, B — middle storey, C — lower storey, and D — total; horizontally hatched
area — good stem quality, vertically hatched area — medium stem quality, and
slanted hatched area — poor stem quality; I — before thinning, and II — after

Primljeno 27. IV 1977. Doc. dr Sead IZETBEGOVIC,
dipt. inž. šum.,
Šumarski fakultet u Sarajevu,
Zagrebačka ul. br. 20