prilagođeno pretraživanje po punom tekstu

ŠUMARSKI LIST 10-12/1977 str. 36     <-- 36 -->        PDF

po stablu (uključujući predahe, prelaske od stabla do stabla i ostale pripreme).
Grane su se rezale ručno pomoću voćarske pile, a za veće visine koristile
su se švedske ljetve.

Ovaj utrošak vremena je veoma mali, gotovo zanemarljiv u poređenju
sa povećanjem vrijednosti proizvedene drvne mase. Na stablima na kojima
su se rezale grane ovo povećanje vrijednosti može biti oko 15 puta veće u odnosu
na troškove rezanja grana, a kod običnog bora najvrijedniji sortimenti
mogu biti i preko 10 puta skuplji u odnosu na prosječni trupac za rezanje.


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insbesondere im Mitteleuropa. XIV IUFRO-Kongres, sekcija 23. str. 299, München.

Ko es tier, J. N. (1951): Die Waldpflege, Frankfurt a/M.
Krahl-Urban , J. (1952): Buchenbetriebszieltypen. Forstwissenschaftliches Centralblatt.
L o e f 1 e r, K. (1968): Prognose für Holzverwertung und — Verwendung. Forst

archiv, Heft 8.
Leib und gut, H. (1966): Die Waldpflege, Bern.
Mayer , H. (1977): Waldbau auf soziologisch-ökologischer Grundlage. Stutgart

und New York.
Mayer-Wegelin , H. (1952): Das Aufästen der Waldbäume, Hanover.
M1 i n š e k, D. (1973): Möglichkeiten der Ertragssteigerung im subalpinen Fichten

wald. Ü 100 Jahre der Hochschule für Bodenkultur, Wien, 4.
Pint arid, K. (1969): Njega šuma. Sarajevo.
Plavšić, M.-G o 1 üb o vi ć, U. (1964): Istraživanje postotnog odnosa pilanskih

sortimenata kod jele (Abies alba Mill.). Šumarski list, sv. 1—2, Zagreb.
Speidel , G. (1972): Planung im Forstbetrieb. Grundlagen und Methoden der
Forsteinrichtung. Hamburg und Berlin.
W o 1 fa r t h, E. (1961): Vom Waldbau zur Waldpflege, München.


Does pruning as an additional measure in improving
the quality of volume production possess its economic justification?

In Yugoslavia, the main objective of production in forestry ought to be
maximal production of the most valuable volume, which, however, cannot be
attained solely by natural pruning of standing trees. Hence, in order to actualize
this objective, it is necessary to prune the branches of Scots Pine. By sawing
off branches in a part of the stem it is possible to increase the value of assortments
by as much as 15 % in relation to assortimenls available from unpruned

In this paper is discussed the sawing off of branches in a natural pole forest
of Scots Pine — on trees of the dominant storey with a diameter b. h. of 10—20
cm and at the height of 5—6 m. For this work an average time consumption of

5.5 minutes per tree was needed, which is almost negligible regarding the increased
value, which is obtained during the main cutting.
In conclusion are given the rules for pruning stems of Scots Pine.

Primljeno 5. VIII 1977. Prof. dr. Konrad PINTARlC,
dipl. inž. šum.,
Šumarski fakultet u Sarajevu,
Zagrebačka ul. br. 20