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ŠUMARSKI LIST 8-9/1977 str. 42     <-- 42 -->        PDF


Potential capacity of the forest as a regulating hydrological factor
of the water courses

One of the most important abilities possessed by forests in the zone of
their growth is their retention capacity, which as a hydrological factor is of
decisive significance for the natural regulation of the water amount in the soil
and of the water level of brooks and rivers. As water supply in the Adriatic
karst region is of primary importance for the vegetation and the population
living there, it is considered useful to remind of this function and peculiarity
of the forests, so that besides other problems, also the importance of their
retention capacity might be understood as well as possible, and the necessary
silvicultural and forests protective measures applied. Therefore this ability of
the forests should be conserved and intensified, while also through new forests
should be expanded to an as large area of today´s denuded karst as possible.

Prof, dr Zlatko VAJDA

dipl. inž. šum.

profesor Šumarskog fakulteta

u Zagrebu u m.,

Šulekova br. 8.



Savez IT Šumarstva i drvne industrije Hrvatske izdao je novo —
praktično — izdanje Tablica za izračunavanje kubnog sadržaja izrađenih
trupaca (klada) na 2 decimale, a za promjere 0 10—120 em
i dužine od 0,1 —10 metara. Brojke tiskane u 2 boje (promjeri trupaca
u crvenoj, a dužine u crnoj boji). Veličina ovih tablica-skrižaljki
je džepnog formata 14 x 23 cm i u tvrdom kartonskom — povezu.
Ove praktične tablice namijenjene su šumskom i drv.-industrijskom
tehničkom osoblju, šumarijama, šumskim gospodarstvaima, drvno-industrijiskim
poduzećima, đacima srednjih šumarskih i drvno-ind. škola,
studentima Šumarskih fakulteta, kao i svima onim radnicima
koji vrše premjer izračunavaju kubni sadržaj izrađenih trupaca
(klada). Cijena tablica s poštarinom iznosi 35 dinara.