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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/1977 str. 50     <-- 50 -->        PDF

Seeds from cones with blaekish-green scales were 1.74 times more damaged
than seeds from cones with light brown coloured scales, and 1.5 times than
the seeds from the cones with blaak coloured scales, while the difference in
the damaged seeds from (the last two groups of cones was insignificant. In
respect of the number of cones in whose seed were grains damaged by insects,
individual groups differed considerably from one another. Among these the
least represented were the cones with light brown scales (44%), the cones
with black scales (59%), while cones with blackish-green scales were attacked by
insects most (75%). The relative values of damaged seeds — calculated to the
number of seeds obtained only from the attacked cones of individual groups

— were near to the values of unfruitfull seeds, add they amounted: in seeds
from cones with light grey scales to 13.33%, from cones with blacksich-green
scales to 17.28%, and in seeds from cones with black scales to 13.02%. The
relative values of unfruitful seeds from cones of individual groups were approximately
equal and they amounted: in seeds from cones with light brown scales
to 23.93 %>, from cones with blackish-green scales to 19.34%, and in seeds from
cones with black scales to 20%.
Independently of the colour of cones the fractions of unfruitful seeds and of
the seeds damaged by insects make a significant negative item (35.88%) in
the production and finishing of the seed of European Black Pine, which should
at any rate be taken into account in calculations during the contemporary production
of seeds of this species.

Primljeno 30. Ill 1975. Ljubisav R. MARKOVIĆ, dipl. biolog,

Dr Milomir VASIĆ, dipl. ing. šum.,

Institut za šumarstvo i drvnu indu

striju, Beograd

Na ovogodišnjem Celovečkom drvnom sajmu u vremenu od 13. do 21. kolovoza
o. g. održat će se i 8. međunarodni simpozij o šumarstvu. Tenia simpozija

— Promjene i dinamika funkcija šume,
— Voda i šuma,
— Ima li proizvodnja drva budućnosti? i
— Mjere za ekonomsko iskorišćivanje šuma i šumarska politika.
Kao koreferenti obavezali se mnogi šumarski stručnjaci iz Austrije, Švicarske,
Njemačke i JUGOSLAVIJE. Na simpoziju predviđeno je simultano prevođenje
na hrvatskosrpskom i na talijanskom jeziku. Bit će prikazan i film o šumama
za rekreaciju u Tirolu, a ekskurzija će održati na području Julijske krajine

— Udina s pregledom zaštitnih građevina, zaštitnih šuma i šuma za rekreaciju.
Detaljnije upute daje KLAGENFURTER MESSE, 9021 Klagenfurt P. F. 79 odnosno
Valentin-Leitgeb-Strasse 11.