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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/1977 str. 20     <-- 20 -->        PDF

form of a prohibition of leeting goats into the woods, in the regulation of the
cut, etc., however, neither severe fines succeeded entirely in arresting the devastation
of the forest vegetation and the formation of bare rocky grounds. In
the 19th century artificial afforestations (mainly with Black Pine and Aleppo
Pine) were initiated, but the two World Wars (from 1914—1918, and from
1941—1945) interrupted the afforestation efforts and after each of these two
wars afresh attempts were made. However, whereas during the first years after
the liberation of the country (1945) the reforestation and amelioration works
in degraded forests (scrubwoods, rnacchias) were being performed on a large
scale, after 1956 (on introducing self-financing) these works were reduced to a
minimum. A particularly bright point in this period was the prohibition of goat
keeping (Law of 1954), which, as a consequence, resulted in a natural regeneration
of certain areas of devastated forests. Nowadays, a special influence on the
survival and renewal of forests in the Adriatic region is exercised by the development
of tourism, as well as by the present efforts to establish an ecological
balance in the world and in this country. Therefore the forestry in the Adriatic
region joins the framework of the scientific projects »Man and Biosphere«
and »Protection of Human Environment«, while in the complex of land use
planning of this region (especially in the »Projeot of the Adriatic III«) forest
and forestry represent a dominant component.

Ovaj rad je referat sa savjetoProf,
dr Milan ANDROIĆ,
vanja »Uloga šume i šumske vedipl.
ini. šum.
getacije u zaštiti čovjekove okoKatedra
za zaštitu šuma
line u odnosu na Jadransko pošumarskog
fakulteta Sveučilišta
dručje« održano 4—6. III 1976. u Zagrebu,
god. u Zadru. šimunska cesta br. 25.