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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/1977 str. 42     <-- 42 -->        PDF

1..Izetbegovic , S.: (1974) Prinosne mogućnosti jasike u području Romanije.
— Radovi šumarskog fakulteta i Instituta za šumarstvo u Sarajevu. Godina
XVIII (1973), knjiga 18. sveska 1 —3. Sarajevo.

Klepac , D.: (1963) Rast i prirast šumskih vrsta drveća i sastojina. Zagreb.
M i r k o v i ć, D. (1954) Dendrometrija, Beograd.
Pintarić, K. — Izetbegovic, S.: (1975) Uporedna istraživanja priraščivanja
bijelog i ornog bora na Arboretumu »Slatina« Šumarskog fakulteta
u Sarajevu. Šumarski list, 7—10, Zagreb.
Pintarić , K.: (1959 Evropski ariš u kulturi Boguševac na Trebeviću kod
Sarajeva. Radovi Šumarskog fakuleta i Instituta za šumarstvo i drvnu industriju
u Sarajevu. Godina IV. br. 4. Sarajevo.
Stamenković , V.: (1974) Prirast i proizvodnost stabala i šumskih sastojina.
Week, J.: (1975) Forstliche Zuwachs- und Erstraskunde. Neumann Verlag.

Growth and increment of stems of Scots and Black Pine

In 18-year-old cultures of Black Pine of Bugojno provenance and Scots Pine
of Trebon (ČSSR) provenance established in the Arboretum »Slatina« of the
Forestry Faculty in Sarajevo there were performed comparative investigations
on the mensurational elements of the stem.

The site on which the cultures were established belongs to the community
ERYTHRONIO CARPINETUM ILLIRICUM Horv. et al. 1974. The culture is
situated on the western aspect at a 640—670 m altitude. On a substratum of clay
and clayey marl there developed a deep soil with hardly permeable B horizon.

The investigations performed point to the following:

— In the analyzed time period the heights of Black Pine were greater, while
in the 18th year they became equal to those of Scots Pine (Black Pine 689,4 cm,
Scots Pine 681,2 cm).
The curent annual height increment, both in Black Pine and Scots Pine,
culminated between the 11th and 15tha years, with an average size of 48,1 cm
in Black Pine, and 62,9 cm in Scots Pine.

— The average size of diameter b. h. at 18 th year amounted to 82´4 mm
in Black Pine, and to 64.1 in Scots Pine.
The current annual diameter increment of Black culminated between the
6th and 10th years with 7,8 mm, and in Scots Pine between the 11th and 15th
years with 7,2 mm.

— The basal area of Black Pine at 18th year amounted to 0,0056 ma, and
in Scots Pine to 0,0035 ms.
The current annual increment of the basal area of Black Pine culminated
between the 11th and 15th years with an average amount of 0,00056 m2, while
in Scots Pine it has not yet culminated, its present value being 0,00051 m2.

The stem volume of Black Pine in the 18th year is 0,02331 ms, and in Scots
Pine 0,01543 m3.
The current annual volume increment has not yet culminated, while its present
value in Black Pine is 0,00278 m», and in Scots Pine, 0,00277 ms.

On the basis of the aforementioned results it may be concluded that under
the same site conditions Black Pine of Bugojno provenance is considerably more
productive that Scots Pine of Trebon provenance.

Primljeno 5. XII 1975.

dipl. ing. šum.
Šumarski fakultet u Sarajevu