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ŠUMARSKI LIST 10-12/1976 str. 54     <-- 54 -->        PDF


Lišće bjelogoričnog drveća u fenofazi otpadanja listova ima veći utjecaj
na organsko i anorgansko onečišćenje površinskih voda slabog toka i malog
protoka nego iglice crnogoričnog drveća, što se vidi iz količina BPK5 i
KMnC>4, specifične vodljivosti te isparnog ostatka (tabela 2).

Rezultate ovih ispitivanja trebamo uzeti u obzir ikod određivanja vrste
i klasifikacije pojedinih vodotoka, te pravilne interpretacije pojedinih determinanata
(BPK, KMn04, ulje i dr.) (kada one imaju visoku vrijednost u
vodama, na koje nemaju utjecaj otpad naselja, predmeta i industrije.


Meštrović , B., Munjko , I. 1975: Preliminarna ispitivanja utjecaja suhog

lišća na kvalitetu površinskih voda kod slabog protoka. Šumarski list, 99

(4—6), 169—173.

Ilijanić, Lj., Sugar, I., Topic, J., Šegulja, N. 1974: Proučavanje sezonskih
promjena u vegetaciji Zagrebačke gore u 1972. godini. Ekologija, 9 (2)
107 —132.

Continuation of studying the effect of dead leaves on the surface waters of poor
flow and discharge

With the aim to make possible to distinguish the naturally polluted surface
waters from the pollution produced through the introduction of wastes from
the settlemens, traffic and industry, the authors performed a series of examinations
of the waters of brooks in the environs of Zagreb and in other places.
The Jesuits of studying the effect of fallen leaves of Beech and Oak on the
quality of surface waters of poor flow and discharge were published in »Šumarski
list«, 4/6, 1976, under the title »Preliminary examination of the effect of
dead fallen leaves on the quality of surface waters at poor discharge«, while
now are being published the results of comparative examinations of the pollution
of fallen leaves of broadleaved species and fallen needles of conifers. These
data are presented in Tab. 2 (in column 1 of which are found tree species, in
column 3 the specific conductivity, in columi 6 the residue on evaporation, and
in column 8 the number of bacteria). They demonstrate (especially the data

for BPK5, KMn04, and amounts of the residue on evaporation) that the pollution
of the mentioned waters by the leaves of broadleaved species is higher than
the pollution by the needles of conifers.

Primljeno 14. II1976.

Mr prof. Ignac Munjko, Branka Meštrović, dipl. isnž.,

Laboratorij za kontrolu voda Savjet za zaštitu čovjekove

»OKI«, Zagreb okolice i prostorno planiranje,

Velika Gorica