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ŠUMARSKI LIST 10-12/1976 str. 33     <-- 33 -->        PDF

važno, jer često zbog nepovoljnih vremenskih prilika sjetvu treba brzo

— međutim, ukoliko je ovaj razmak bio kraći efikasnost djelovanja na
korove se smanjivala;
— ispitivanja u cilju utvrđivanja optimalnog vremenskog razmaka između
tretmana i sjetve trebalo bi nastaviti, ali i već dobiveni rezultati su za
rasadnioku praksu od interesa, obzirom na njenu potrebu za nekim efikasnim,
jeftinim i po sredinu bezopasnim kemijskim sredstvom za suzbijanje
korova u sjemeništu.

Berner, R. C, Abernathy, J. R., Smith, D. T. (1975): Influencing weed
control by delaying incorporation of 3 preplant herbicides. Proceedings 28th
Annual Meeting Southern Weed Science Society, Texas.
J o j i ć, D. (1975): Novi herbicid Cobex — neke njegove osobine i mogućnosti
primjene. Biljna zaštita 4, Zagreb.
Naish, R. W., Uprichard, E. A. (1974): Dinitraminea new incorporated
herbicide for peas, beans, and field brassicas. Proceedings of the 27th New
Zealand Weed and Pest Control Conference, Nelson.
Zekić , N., Ćukac , N. (1973): Rezultati primjene nekih novijih preparata
kod suzbijanja korova u šumskim sjemeništima. Jugoslovenski simpozij o
borbi protiv korova, Sarajevo.

New experiences in controlling weeds in the seed-beds

One o the essential conditions for the production of a qualitative planting
stock — for which there is an ever greater demand — is a timely and efficient
protection from weeds in the seed-beds. Because of the unsuitable mechanical and
manual protection — from which also young seedlings suffer, and owing to insufficient
labour — we are trying to solve this problem by appliyng chemicals for
destroying the weeds. The majority of chemicals so far applied have not satisfied,
either of account of their poor or short efficiency, their toxicity for young seedlings,
or their complicated use. An examination of the newly produced herbicide
Cobex (24 °/o-Dimtramin) in the Scots Pine (Pinus silvestris L.) seed-beds have
given good results. Total invasion by weeds was reduced by 94.6%. The prevailing
weed Setaria glauca (L.) P. B. was reduced by 59.3 %, Agropyrum repens
(couch-quitch) by 59.3%, and many species by even as much as 100 Vo. The dry
matter of the weeds was reduced by more than 20 times.

The Cobex herbicide was highly selective for young seedlings of Scots Pine
(Pinus silvestris L.), while an experiment carried out in 1976 demonstrated that
also young seedlings of European Black Pine (Pinus nigra Arn.), Spruce (Picea
abies (L.) Karst) and European Larch (Larix decidua Mill.) did not suffer from
this herbicide. It was established that the time-span between treatment and sowing
may be very short without any challenge to young seedlings, which is very
significant for young seedlings, for owing to unfavourable weather conditions sowing
ought to be perfomed within a short time. However, through shortening
the aforementioned time-span also the weed-killing efficiency of the herbicide
has diminished. Therefore investigations should be continued with the aim to
establish the optimal time-span between treatment and sowing.

Primljeno u lipnju 1976.
Nada Zekić, dipl. ing. šum.,
Institut za šumarstvo Sarajevo