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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-10/1975 str. 73 <-- 73 --> PDF |
sure of this location to snow breakage it is recommended for regular management to favour the narrow-crowned and slender-branched types, and to eliminate the wide-crowned and thick-branched stems, which in the natural regeneration should increase the resistance to snowbreaks of future generations. The same measures of selection are recommended for the proposed seed crop stands of Scots Pine. For the purpose of longer-time utilization as seed crop stands are suggested parts of the younger stands of complete canopy and 70 years of age, while the earlier suggested older stands (of 140 years age and over) ought to be eliminated from the list of seed crop stands because of their old age, poor stocking density and interrupted canopy — and in this connection also of the negative influence of the inbreeding on the progeny. Despite the suggested selection measures in the existing stands in respect of the site and stand conditions (heterogeneity of soil types, poor stocking and occurrence of larger clearings and unwooded areas) the complex of Bosiljevo offers large possibilities for the introduction of a wider choice of high-yielding conifers This possibility is also corroborated by the findings of researchers in this management unit (Cestar et al. 1964), i. e. that Norway Spruce at the age of 40 years can achieve a mean annual increment of 15 m3/ha, and Scots Pine 12 m3/ha. For the introduction of coniferous species are of special interest the results of soil investigations, which demonstrate that two pedosystematic units (acid brown lessive soil on relict terra rossa and acid brown soil on relict terra rossa) of high productive capacity cover almost exclusively the area of the mentioned management unit. Thanks to favourable site conditions besides the existing coniferous species such as: Scots Pine, Norway Spruce, European Larch (Sudetic variety) and Black Pine on the shallower soils, there can be introduced Eastern White Pine (Pinus strobus L.), Douglas Fir (Pseudotsuga taxifolia /Poir./ Britt.), and this at an adequate distance from the seed orchards of these two species, as well as trial planting of new species ond suitable localities. For this purpose can be taken into consideration: Lodgepole Pine (Pinus ccwitorta var. latii´olia S. Watson), Grand Fir (Abies grandis /Dough/ Lindl.), Sitka Spruce (Picea sitchensis /Bong./ Carr.), Western Hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla /Rat./ Sarg.), Western Redccdar (Thuja plicata D. Don), Japanese Larch (Larix leptolepis /Sieb, et Zucc./ Gord.) The complex of Bosiljevo — according to the complexity of its site and stand conditions — merits special attention and represents a valuable challenge to the researchers of various specialities for detailed investigations. The results expressed in this paper only represent a partial solution for the possibilities offered by the mentioned forest, and give essential information for practice. |