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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-10/1975 str. 116 <-- 116 --> PDF |
Summary THE CONDITION OF FOREST NURSERIES IN THE SR OF CROATIA IN 1972—1974 The author presents the condition of forest nurseries in the SR of Croatia in 1972, 1973, and 1974. He offers data on the number of nurseries and their area in individual Forest Enterprises, as well as for 5 forest regions of Croatia. Mentioned are also the quantities of plants of coniferous and broadleaved forest tree species produced. Comparing the data for 1974 with those for 1964, the author finds that the total area of nurseries had diminished by about 33 %>, and the number of plants produced by 66°/o, which is undoubtedly an unfavourable balance and poor index for the intensity of afforestations and establishment of young crops. — In a separate chapter the author presents data on the health condition of plants in nurseries. The identified fungi and insect pests are alphabetically arranged and the years an Forest Enterprises in which the mentioned pests had appeared indicated. Damage caused by other plant and animal organisms as well as inorganic factors were less frequent. žnženfreti, te^nicaci — SumacL^e! Kauders A.: Šumarska bibliografija II (1846—1955) — Zagreb 1958 (str. 440) 20,00 Din Kompleksna monografija o Kršu (1. Krš Slovenije, 2. Hrvatske, 3. Bosne i Hercegovine, 4. Crne gore, 5. Jugoslavije (šumar) — komplet 5 knjiga sa 96 stručnih referata na 1.400 stranica velikog formata — Split 1957 50,00 Din Šafar J.: Uzgajanje šuma — ekonomski i biološki temelji — Zagreb 1963 (str. 600) 50,00 Din Tablice za kubiciranje trupaca na 2 decimale — tvrdi povez, vel. 14x23 cm (novo izdanje — Zagreb 1975) . . 35,00 Din Narudžbe za tiskanice — obrasce i stručne knjige prima: Savez inženjera i tehničara šumarstva i drvne industrije Hrvatske Zagreb — Mažuranićev trg 11 telefon: 444-206 |