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ŠUMARSKI LIST 4-6/1975 str. 53     <-- 53 -->        PDF

materijal garantira bolje preživljenje i rast biljaka u kulturama, a to je od
naročitog interesa u ovo vrijeme, kada se kod osnivanja kultura pretežno
primjenjuje rjeđa sadnja, širi početni razmaci sadnje. Za postizavanje optimalnih
rezultata u tom pogledu razvijenost sadnica mora biti prilagođena
uvjetima staništa. Na najplodnijim staništima, gdje je i rast korova i nepoželjnih
vrsta intenzivan, prioritet će imati starije ili razvijenije sadnice,
po mogućnosti I kvalitetnog razreda, dok će na siromašnim i suhim staništimati
prioritet imati mlađe ili slabije razvijene sadnice II kvalitetnog razreda.


1. Abetz , P., 1969: Waldbauliche Versuche mit verschiedenen Planzensortimenten
bei der Fichtenbestandsbegründung in Oberschwaben´ Allg. Forst u
Jagdztg., str. 65—75. — 2. Grigsby , C. H., 1971: Nursery Morphology of Loblolly
Pines as an Indicator of Field Performance, Institut of Forest Genetics, Mississippi
(Separat). — 3. Ka r tel e v, V. G., 1973: Indices of Quality of Plantinig Stock, For.
Abs. (rezime). — 4. King, PJ., Nienstaedt , H., 1965: Super-Spruce Seedlings
Show Continued Superiority, Research Note LS-66, Lake States For. Exp. Station
(separat). — 5. Mulling , R. E. Sva t on, J., 1972: A grading study with White
Spruce nursery stock, For. Abs. (rezime). — 6. Pe t račić , A., 1940: O upotrebljivosti
različito razvijenih sadnica, Šumarski list rujan. — 7. S ch m i d t-V o g t,
H., 1970: Rationlisierung der Forstkultur durch Verwendung von Grosspflanzen,
Allg. Forst 10, str. 195—200. — 8. Snedecor, G. W., Cochran, W. G. 1969:
Statistical Methods, The Iowa State Univer. Press, Arnes, Iowa. — 9. Stilino vić,
S., 1962: Procjenjivanje kvaliteta četinarskih sadnica na osnovu odnosa stablo
koren, Šumarstvo 1—2. — 10. S t i 1 i n o v i ć, S., 1972: Primena principa selekcije
u rasadničkoj proizvodnji, Aktuelni problemi šumarstva, drvne industrije i
hortikulture, Beograd. — 11. Wak e ley , C. P., 1954: Planting the Southern Pines,
Forest Sercie, US Dep. Agr., Monograph No. 18 (st. 102—110). — 12. Williams ,
D. R., 1965: Plan Large Walnut Seedings for best Survival and Growth, Reserarch
Note, Cent. States For. Exp. Station (Separat). — 13. — Rehaviour of Pinus nigra
var. maritima in relation to size of planting stock, For. Abs. (rezime). — 14. —
JUS, D, Z2. Ill, Šumske sadnice, Četinari, 1—1967.

Survival and delevopment of Scots Pine (P. silvestris) plants of different height

In the spring of 1970 with 2 + 2 years old plants was set up an experiment
in the region of the Forest Enterprise Slavonski Brod, management unit Južni Dilj,
comparaments Nos. 1 and 2. Seed from which the plants were produced originated
from the seed stand of Vujnović Brda, Forest Enterprise Gospić.

On the basis of height the plants were sorted into 3 height classes (I, II, and
III). Into the experiment was included as standard the so-called commercial class.
Which means the unsorted plants. Designations and characteristics of the classes
were as follows:

Variant A — Height class I, average height 45,9 cm;

Variant B — Height class II, average heiht 35.8 cm (30—40 cm);

Variant C — Commercial classe, average height 31,8 cm (15—50 cm);

Variant D — Height class III, average height 27,7 cm.

Damaged, diseased and extremely high plants were excluded from the experiment.
The root system of plants was reduced to ca. 15 cm prior to planting.