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ŠUMARSKI LIST 4-6/1975 str. 45     <-- 45 -->        PDF


1. Allen, R. M. (1953): Release and fertilization stimulate long feaf pine cone
crop, Journal of Forestry, 51. — 2. Baule , H., F r i c k e r, C. (1967): Die Düngung
von Waldbäumen, München. — 3. Detwiler , S. B. (1943): Bessere Eicheln von
stark gedüngten Eichen, Journal of Forestry, 41. — 4. Gu in au de au, J., Jlly,
G., Mauge , J. P., Dumas , F. (1963): Essai de fertilisation minerale sur pin maritime
ä Mimizan (Landes), Annales de 1´ Ecole Nationale des Eeaux et Forets XX,
1. — 5. H ausser , K. (1960): Düngungsversuche zu Kie ern mit unerwarteten
Auswirkungen, AFZ 15, 34. — 6. Ho ekstra, P. E., M e r g e n, F. (1967): Experimental
inducation of female flowers on young Slash pine, Journal of Forestry,
55, 11. — 7. Huchle r (1958): Stichstoff — Düngungsversuche in Tannen — Althölzern,
Der Forst — und Holzwirt, 13, 16. — 8. J ü 11 ne r, O. (1959): Die Wirkung
einer Kalkung silikarmer rohhmumusbedeckter, diluvialer Sande, Der Forstund
Holzwirt, 14, 18. — 9. Kleinschmit , R. (1958): Stickstoffdüngungsversuch
in einer Sammenplantage, Der Forst und Holzwirt, 13, 16. — 10. Klepac , D.
(1963): Rast i prirast šumskih vrsta drveća i sastojina, Zagreb. — 11. Komle nović
, N. (1965): Koncentracija hraniva u iglicama američkog borovca kao indikator
fertilizacije, Zagreb (Magistarski rad). — 12. K o m 1 e n o v i ć, N. (1973):
Koncentracija hraniva u iglicama kao indikator stanja ishrane kultura obične
smreke (Picea abies, Karst.), Zagreb (Doktorska disertacija). — 13. Me r gen, F.,
Viogt , G. K. (1960): Effects of fertilizer application on two generations of slash
pine, Proc. Soil Sci. Soc. America., 24. — 14. Regent , B. (1972): Šumsko sjemenarstvo,
Poslovno udruženje šumsko privrednih organizacija Zagreb. — 15. Sa r-
v a s, R. (1962): Untersuchungen über Blüte und Samenerzeugung bei der Kiefer,
Comm. Inst. For Fenniae 4, Helsinki. — 16. Steinbrenner , E. C, Duffield,
J. W., Campbell , R. K. (1960): Increased cone production of young douglas —
fir following nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization, Journal of Forestry, Vol. 58.
No. 2. — 17. Stephenson , G. K. (1960): Blühstimulierung bei der Strobe. Proceedings
of the 8 th Northeastern Forest Tree Improvement Conference, held at
New Haven. — 18. Stie r (1958): Die Förderung der Buchennaturverjüngung durch
NH — Begasung, Der Forst- und Holzwirt 13, 16. — 19. Uremović , K. (1971):
O kvadratnom vodonosnom kompleksu u području Varaždina, Geološki vjesnik,
24, Zagreb. — 20. Vidaković , M. (1960): Sjemenske plantaže šumskog drveća,
Jug. savetodavni centar za poljoprivredu i šumarstvo, Beograd. — 21. Wehrmann
, J. (1961): Die Auswirkung der Trockenheit von 1959 auf die Nährelementversorgung
bayerischer Kiefernbestände, FwCbl 80. — 22. W e n g e r, K. F. (1953):
The effect of fertilization and injury on the cone and seed production of loblolly
pine seed trees, Journal of Forestry, 51. — 23. Zobel, B. Roberds, J. (1970):
Diferential genetic response to fertilizers within tree species. Society of American
Foresters, Michigan.

Investigations of the effect of mineral fertilizers on the seed yield of Eastern White
Pine in the Zelendvor culture

In a 15-year-old culture of Eastern White Pine was laid out a fertilizer experiment,
in which during a 3-year interval (1967—1969) there were studied the effects
of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers on the seed yield, height and diameter
growth and the nutritional condition. The doses applied amounted to 40 g N in the
form of calcium ammonium nitrate and 40 g P-2O5 per tree in the form of superphosphate.
Except for the controls the fertilizers were applied separately and in
combination. Fertilization was carried out in the month of April, 1967, and it was
repeated in the same period in 1969.

Whereas on this realtively fertile soil the fertilization did not act upon the
height and diameter increaments of Eastern White Pine, the increase of the seed
yield on some variants, were fertilizers were applied, amounted to over 80%