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ŠUMARSKI LIST 4-6/1975 str. 34 <-- 34 --> PDF |
agard and Gramoxon toxically on the Larch seedlings, while the same doses of these herbicides allowed a normal development of Spruce seedlings. — The urates Aresin, Tenoran, Patoran and Tribunal acted markedly toxically on Scots Pine seedlings even in lower doses. — Treflan and Balan were not toxic for seedlings. — In the transplant beds none of the herbicides applied was toxic to transplants. Only a small percentage of the most stunted transplants of certain treatments died. — Significant differences in heights of Lammas shoots were found, which means that there was no depressive or stimulative effect on the height growth rate. — On analysing the costs of the chemical and classical weed control it was found that in chemical control they diminished by 95—143 times if no weeding was performed, or 2—5 times if one weeding was performed. or 2 — 5 times if one weeding was performed. — In rescept of the recommendatios for a practical application in seedbeds Gramoxon and Gesagard may be considered under similar conditions except in Larch, also Treflan and Balan, if the composition of the weeds is such that species for which they are inffective do not prevail. — Urates are not recommended for practical application. — In the transplant beds for practical application — under correct procedure — can be recommeded the triazines Gesaprine, Agelon, Gesatop, and the benzonitriles Casoron and Prefix. |