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ŠUMARSKI LIST 4-6/1975 str. 33     <-- 33 -->        PDF

Makpeace , R. (1970, 1972): Weed control handbook. Blackwell Seinen. Publications,
Oxford. — 8. Georgijević , E. (1973): Suzbijanje korova u šumskom
gospodarstvu (skripta). Univerzitet u Sarajevu. — 9. Gorzelak , A. (1970): Badania
nad chemiczny zwalczaniem chwatow w szkölkach lesnych. Prace Instytutu
badawcego lesnictwa, Warszawa. — 10. Gorzelak , A. (1973): Zastosowanie herbicydow
i arborycydow w lesnictwie. — 11. Günther, G., Wachendorf, R.
(1966): Chemische Unkrautbekämpfung in der Forstwirtschaft BLV, München —
Basel — Wien. — 12. Halambek , M. (1972): Nove mogućnosti primjene herbicida
u rasadnicima četinjača. Šumarski list 3—4, Zagreb, 146—155. — 13. Halam bek,
M., Korunić, Z. (1973): Prva iskustva sa primjenom terabola u šumskom
rasadniku. Jugoslavenski simpozijum o borbi protiv korova u brdsko planinskom
području, Sarajevo, 303—310. — 14. Kišp at i ć, J., Böhm, A. (1962): Primjena
herbicida u šumarstvu. Polj. šumarska komora NRH, Zagreb. — 15. Kojić , M.,
S tanko vić. A., Čanak, M. (1972): Korovi — biologija i suzbijanje. Institut
za zaštitu bilja, Novi Sad. — 16. Lanz, W. (1968): Dan Unkrautmittel Prefix seine
Wirkungsweise und Anwendungmöglichkeiten in Forstkulturen. Allg. Forst schritt
6, 91—93. — 17. L o j d a, M. (1966): Uništavanje korova u rasadnicima četinjača
upotrebom herbicida. Radovi Jugoslavenskog Instituta za četinjače, Zagreb, 2,
48—55. — 18. Oldenkamp , L. (1970): Experience with chlorthiamid and dichlorbenil
for weedcontrol in plantations. Materijal sa IUFRO zasjedanja u Ljubljani,
1970. 1—6. — 19. Stank o vić, A. (1972): Fitoformacija — II dio. Društvo za zaštitu
bilja SR Srbije, Novi Sad. — 20. V a 1 k o v a, O. (1969): Harnstoffderivate zur
Unkrautbekämpfung in der Forstpflanzgärten. Beiträge zur Forstwirtschaft, Eberswalde,
60—67. — 21. Valkova , O. (1970): Unkrautbekämpfung in der Forstpflanzgarten.
Materijal sa IUFRO zasjedanja u Ljubljani, 1—5. — 22. Weber , E. (1967):
Grundriss der Biologischen Statistik. Gustav Fischer Verl., Stutgart. — 23. Zekić,
N. (1969): Rezultati primjene prometryna i atrazina u rasadniku. Narodni
šumar, 10—12, 593—604. — 24. Zekić , N. (1972): Rezultati primjene herbicida
Gramoxona i Reglona u šumskim rasadnicima. Šumarstvo, 1—2, Beograd, 15—23.

— 25. Zekić , N. (1972): Ispitivanje djelovanja nekih triazinskih preparata na korove
i sadnice u šumskim rasadnicima, 10. Jugoslavensko zasjedanje o borbi protiv
korova, Novi Sad, 215—223. — 26. Zekić , N. (1973): Efikasnost djelovanja preparata
Casoron i Prefix kod suzbijanja korova u šumskim rasadnicima. Jugoslavenski
simpozij o borbi protiv korova u brdsko planinskim područjima, Sarajevo,
283—291. — 27. Zekić , N., Cukac , N. (1973): Rezultati primjene nekih novijih
preparata kod suzbijanja korova u šumskim sjemeništima. Jugoslavenski simpozij
o borbi protiv korova u brdsko planinskim područjima, Sarajevo, 293—300. —
28. Prospekti kemij. fabrika o herbicidima (1966—1973).

Chemical weed control in forest nurseries

On the basis of results of 3-year trials performed in seedbeds and transplant
beds of forest nurseries, the conclusion to be reached is as follows:

— In seedbeds the herbicides Gramoxon and Gesagard reduced significantly
the infestation by one-year weed species, while the weed perennials were only
partially suppressed.
— Treflan and Balan demonstrated no high effectiveness against the total
weed infestation, but the sporadic weed species were reduceg significantly.
— The urates Aresin, Tenoran, Patoran and Tribunil exhibited a midling
effectiveness against weeds.
— In transplant beds the best results in weed control were achieved by the
trizaines Gesaprine, Agelon, Gesatop, and benzonitriles Casoron and Prefix. They
suppressed effectively and significantly the annual weed species as weel as the
resistant perennial ones except Circisium arvense (L.) Scop.
— Gramoxon and Region acted very quickly but also briefly on almost all
the respresented weed specil. A better effectiveness gave Gramoxon.
— The urates Aresin and Tribunil did not act satisfactorily on weed annuals
and even less on perennials. Regarding the seedling tolerance of herbicides, Ges