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ŠUMARSKI LIST 4-6/1975 str. 13 <-- 13 --> PDF |
Summary Determinat nion of the most suitable tree species and methods of reconstruction of devastated areas (trough dying of Pedunculate Oak (Quercus robur L.) The autor performed a reforestation on the experimental plots, which he selected in the area of the heaviest drying up of Pedunculate Oak in the management unit »Žutica«. The reforestation was carried out in 1970. On 36 experimental plots (9 variants and 4 replications) the author performed reforestation bö means of the following specias: White Willow (Salix alba) European-American Hybrid Poplar (PxE clone 1-214 and PxE clone 1-154), Black Alder (Alnus glutinosa), Pedunculate Oak (Quercus robur), Field Ash (Fraxinus angustifolia), Oriental Plane (Platanus orientalis). In 2 localities of the experimental plot were placed probes for the measurement of fluctuations of the groundwatertable at the relatively highest and lowest woinst of the terrain (98,9 and 97,6 m respectively). The results demonstrate that it is very difficult, almost impossible, to reestablish immediately the devastated areas with autochthonous species, except with Black Alder. Worsening of the hydrological regime (dislappearance of forest trees as a natural pump for water through transpiration), and changes in the biologycal component of the soil (all of which influences a whole series of changes in the microsystem) suggest that there should first be created ecological preconditions in order to recultivate such areas with those forest tree species which had earlier formed the stands (Q. robur and Fr. angustifolia). Among the autochthonous species Black Alderand White Willow can serve as pioneers and transitional speciel, also the European-American Poplars. Their lifetime on such grouds is brief, which should be taken into account. |