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ŠUMARSKI LIST 10-11/1974 str. 30     <-- 30 -->        PDF

high in the course of the last 100 years, which is indicative of a spectacular metamorphosis
of nature, a state to be metaphorically compared to the intensity
of an explosion within the dimensions of geological time.

3) The efficient protection of the primary genetic resources in the broadest
sense (»preservation of the gene pool«). Striving after an unrestricted exploitation
of the natural stands of today´s trees and shrubs ought to give up space to an
unlimited effort in securing a sustained cyclic abundance of natural variability.

4) A directed evolution of plants by man, which exceeds the forces of individual
nations and calls for a coordinated effort not only within the scope of
this country but likewise within international dimensions. Through space occupancy
and the expansion of the cultural framework, through conveying ever larger
amounts of species and cultivated plants, from one area to another, man has
essentially cemented the unity of the whole of the biosphere. The forms of his
intensive utilization of nature should of necessity be subjected to a control of
international dimensions.

5) The development of scientific knonwledge, which leads to an ever greater
role of plant improvement in the domain of the life sphere. The whole of humanity
is included in the processes of transforming the biosphere into the noosphere,
and it is necessary to examine them carefully and from all aspects. This huge
task in the re-forming nature on Earth is being outlined by man already today,
in which one should not underestimate the numerous difficulties in the exercising
the control over the life of our planet. The whole complex of sciences ought to
be included in the solution of this priority task, but in this complex of sciences
one of the central places is occupied by the teaching of plant improvement,
intensified by the contemporary investigations of population and evolution genetics
and the plant improvement methods.

6) The work in the sphere of plant improvement which has made it possible
to carry out large and far-reaching changes in nature in the course of so many
centuries. These changes have been conducive to the creation of fully new cultivated
plants and life communities, which had not existed in free nature, and which
represent the most expressive form of man´s exploitation of living nature.