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ŠUMARSKI LIST 10-11/1974 str. 29     <-- 29 -->        PDF

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The man has become one of the most powerful evolutionary factors, who is
intervening in all the basic happenings taking place within the framework of the
biosphere. The seal which man has affixed to the contemporary epoch of the
evolution of nature is such that already now we find ourselves in the stage of
transforming the biosphere into a sphere of life controlled by the human mind.

The role of plant improvement in the realization of the increasing influence
of man upon the further development of the biosphere is reflected in:

1) The wilful channelling of the biocoenotic forces of the life communities
for the benefit of the living creatures which are immediately needed by man.
This is achieved in greatest measure through transforming natural populations
into more or less cultivated communities, the cultivation and permanent maintenance
of which can only be realized under the constant control by man.

2) A noticeable speeding up of the process of a more or less chanelled changeability
by man. Thanks to the present-day knowledge of the process of speciation
on the basis of genetic mechanisms it is possible to considerably speed up
such genetic transformation of the natural biocoenoses into more or less cultivated
ones, thus realizing a channelled microevolution of the natural populations. Therefore
in already nowadays is setting in a stage of rational and planned control
of the genetic quality of artificial and natural populations. Speed in the changes
occurring in nature under the action of man is increasingly gaining in moment
with an increase of scientific knowlegde. This speed has proved to be especially