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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/1974 str. 34     <-- 34 -->        PDF

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Characteristics of the ecosystem of the seeping drainage waters of the
Petrova Gora Memorial Park and their biological evaluation

On the basis of analyses of the drainage waters of the Petrova Gora Memorial
Park, the following may be concluded:

The basic ecological characteristic of the drainage waters is a relatively and
balanced temperature, large amounts of dissolved oxygen and low alkalinity. In
addition, these are the watercourses with a small amount of water and very slow
percolation in which considerable amounts of natural waste materials of plants
and animals from the mentioned Park are retained. Likewise, along the settlements
there increases the amonunt of waste materials of anthropogenic origin.

It is characteristic of the local biocoenoses that their microphytic algae and
especially Diatomeae are prevailing, which is indicative of a rather lower pollution
with organic matter. Of animals, the larvae of aquatic insects are represented,
and among them the Diptera. In places also the iron bacteria are developing in
larger quantities.

On the basis of an anlysis of biological indicators it can be attested that
these waters are beta-oligosaprobic waters (2nd and 1st degrees), and beta-alfa-
mesosaprobic waters (2nd and 3rd degrees). Such condition of the waters is
caused by their natural pollution with organic wastes from forest plant communities.
In human settlements the anthropogenic influence is more expressed.

The bacteriological alalysis confirms the findings of the ecological analysis,
with the understanding that the number of indicators of the potential causal
organisms of intestinal infections (Coli-index) in regions where the waters flow
through such settlemants increases considerably.