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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/1974 str. 19 <-- 19 --> PDF |
3. Three top-dressings with nitrogen in the amount of 20 kg/ha influenced the growth of plants more strongly than two such top-dressigns. 4. The omission of N top-dressing in the month of May resulted in the highest reduction of height and diameter growth of plants, and also in the reduction of the dry matter produced. 5. Top-dressing in April exhibited a tendeny of influencing more strongly the height growth, while top-dressing in June influenced more strongly the diameter growth of plants and the production of total dry matter. 6. In respect of the recorded elements of growth and increment of Spruce plants no statistically significant difference was found between the variant with 3 top-dressings per 20 kg/ha and the variant with one top-dressing per 60 kg/ha when the latter was caried out in mid-May. 7. In no fertilizing variant was established during the investigated period a more significant damage due to low temperatures. 8. The results obtained are valid only for Spruce and the conditions under which they were achieved, so that such investigations should be proceeded. |