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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/1974 str. 21 <-- 21 --> PDF |
LITERATURA 1. C a 11 a h a m, R. Z. (1964): Provenance Research: Investigation of Genetic Diversity Associated with Geography. Unasylva 18 (2—3): 73—74, 40—50. 2. Edwards , M. V. (1956): The Design, Layout and Control of Provenance Experiments. Zeithschrift Forstgen. Forstpflanzenzuchtung 5 (5—6): 169—180. 3. Giertych , M. M. (1966): Designing Provenance Trials for the Most Efficient Selection and Preservation of Desirable Forest Populations. Šum. List 1—2: 88—95. 4. John s son, H. (1963): Arrangement and Design of Field Experiments in Progeny Testing. FAO/FORGEN 63, 1: 2a/l. 5. Lacaze , J. F. et Lemoine , M. 1962): Les Plantations Comparatives d´Especes et de Provenances Dispositifs — Installation — Mesures. Notes Techniques Forestiers No. 12: 22. 6. Lacaze , J. F. (1967): Catoloque des Plantations Comparatives de Provenances. Centre National de Recherches Forestieres, Station d´Amelioration des Arbores Forestiers No. 67/3. 7. Lines , R. (1967): Standardization of Methods for Provenance Research and Testing. Proc. XIV IUFRO Congress, III: 627—718. 8. Parde , J. (1961): Comment preciser l´intensite d´une e´claircie R. F. F. Aont. Sept.: 551—557. 9. Pin t arić , K. (1969): Prirast u visinu i debljinu ariša raznih provenijencija na oglednoj plohi Batalovo Brdo kod Sarajeva. Beiheft Z. Schwei Z. Forsf. No. 46: 127—141. 10. Pin t ar i ć, K. (1971): Prirašćivanje u visinu sijanaca duglazije (Pseudotsuga taxifolia Britt.) raznih provenijencija u drugoj godini života i njena ovisnost od uslova topline. Šumarstvo, 5—6: 17—27. 11. Tučo vic, A., M a r k o v i ć, Lj. i V a 1 č i ć, V. (1972): Prvi rezultati ranih provenijenčnih testova oraha (Juglans regia L.) u Jugoslaviji. Genetika, Vol. 4, No. 2: 229—244. 12. Veen, B. (1954): General Remarks on Provenance Research in Forestry. Euohytica 3: 89—96. 13. Vidaković, M. and Williamson, M. J. (1968): Tree Seed Collection. FAO — Pakistan National Foresty Research and Training Project, No. 6, Peshawar: 17. 14. Wright , J. W. (1962): Genetics of Forest Tree Improvement FAO, Rome: 399. 15. O. E. C. D. (1966): Scheme for the Certification of Forest Reproduction Material Moving in International Trade. Working Document. Organization and Development, Paris. 16. Southern Forest Tree Improvement Committee (1952): Working Plan for Cooperative Study of Geographic Sources of Southern Pine Seed. New Orleans. La., U. S. For. Ser. South. Forest Exp. Sta. 35 p. 17. Southern Forest Three Improvement Committee (1971): SAS Manual North Carolina State University, Raleigh, N. C. USA. |