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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/1973 str. 34     <-- 34 -->        PDF

plot of »Goić«. The progeny test was established in a completely randomized block
system with 4 replications. The number of plants per family in the experiment was
48 (with lesser variations), or 12 plants in the replication.

During 1970 were performed measurements and observations of the following
characteristics: diameter (in mm.), total height (in cm.), number of branches along
1 m. length commencing from the top, diameter of the stoutest branch in the mid-
crown (in mm.), diameter of stems in the mid-crown (in mm.), angle of insertion of
branches (estimate), stem straightness (estimate), and surival °/o from establishing
the experiment (the spring of 1966) until the time of measurement.

On the basis of data obtained through measurements a study of the variability
of the mentioned characteristics for 19 families was performed by the method of
variance analysis (F-test and Duncan´s test) and by applying the X2-test
for survival. The author´s investigations of the variability between the families for
individual characteristics have shown as follows:

— The average values for the character sties of diameter increment (diameters
b. h. and diameters in mid-crown) between the families do not differ significantly
at he level of 50/o when applying the F-test on the basis of the mean
of series. However, when applying Duncan´s test (on individual basis), significant
differences between the individual families at the level of 5°/o were
established. The average values for diameters b. h. range from 20.14 mm.
(family SO-34) to 30.88 mm. (family SO-21), and for d ameters in the mid-
crown from 24.64 mm. (family SO-12), to 32.30 mm. (family SO-21).

The average values for the heights between the families are significantly
different at the level of 5u/o by applying F- and Duncan´s test. The average
values for the heights range from 250.10 cm. (family SO-17) to 352.18 cm.
(family SO-21).

The differences in average values for the characterist cs of branches and
crowns (number of branches per 1 m. of length, diameter of the stoutest
branch) between the families are not significant at the level of 5°/o by
applying the F-test (on the basis of the mean of series), while these differences
for the length of the stoutest branch when applying the same test are
significant. By applying Duncan´s test (on individual basis) significant differences
for all three cahracteristics at the level of 5°/o were obtained. The
least number of branches per 1 m. of length, and the stoutest branch in the
mid-crown are possessed by the family SO-21.

The differences in average values between the families for the insertion angle
of branches are not significant at the level of 5°/u when applying the F-test
on the basis of the mean of series, but significant differences were obtained
when applying Duncan´s test at the same level on individual basis. The average
values of the insertion angle of branches range from 2.47 (family SO-21)
to 2.84 (fam liy SO-30).

The average values between the families for the stem straightness differ
significantly at the level of 5°/o by applying F- and Duncan´s test. The family
SO-21 evidences the lowest average value for straightness (estimate
3.18), but the highest values for the characteristics of growth and increment.
The best average value for straightness is possessed by the family SO-23
(estimate 1.30) but a relatively lower one as to the increment.

The average values for the survival "h between the families do not differ
significantly at the level of 5°/o when applying the F-test. However, when
applying the X2-test significant differences between the families at the level
of 5u/o were obtained. The average values of the survival °/o by families range
from 64.81´°/o (family SO-24) to 93.37 (family SO-24).
Finally, if summing up all that has been said, it may be concluded that all the
selected trees of European Larch belonging to the Varaždinbreg populat´on cannot
be used in establishing the clonal seed orchards (for the second generation), while
from established orchards they ought to be removed.