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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/1973 str. 75     <-- 75 -->        PDF

6. The vegetation map 1:5000 makes possible a yet more intensive separation
of stands (sub-compartments) and a complete transition to actual forest
management by stands.
7. Melioration of Crnava Brook and the digging of new ditches has affected
the stands of Opeka. Narrow-leaved Ash has begun to dry up, Field Elm
has already dried up, while Black Alder pushes into their places. For the
sake of a proper mixture proportion Pedunculate Oak must be assisted in
future an introduced into openings and clearings, because the process of
the natural change of the species has quite suddenly been interfered with
through drainage works.
With the paper is enclosed a bibliographical survey of scientific research works
perfomed in the mentioned forests until the end of 1971.