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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/1973 str. 19     <-- 19 -->        PDF

17. Stellin g wer f D. A. (1966.)´- Practica? application of aerial photographs in
forestry and other vegetation studies, ITC Publications B 36, Delft, 23 str.
18. Stellin g wer f D. A. (1969): Kodak Ektachrome Infrared Aero Film for forestry
purposes, ITC Publications B 54, Delft, 17 str.
19. Wea r J. F., Pop e R. B., Or r P. W, (1966.): Aerial photographic techniques
for est´mating damage by insects in western forests, Pacific Northw. For. and
Range Exp. Sta., Portland Ore., 79 str.


Development of the technology of aerial photography-cameras, films (notably in
colour) — has made possible a more intensive application of methods of photo-
interpretation in forest protection, particularly in establishing and inventorying
damage to forest vegetation through the action of various different abiotic and
biotic factors.

The author contributes a survey of recent works in individual parts of the
world (U. S. A., Central Europe, U. S. S. R.) which confirm the purpose and economy
of this appl´cation. Under European conditions photo-interpretation is bound to find
its application notably in the event of overpopulation of individual insects pests
and diseases. In industrially developed areas aerial photographs have been applied
with success to establish and inventory damages to the forest vegetation brought
on by the action of poisonous waste gases from industrial plants.

Photo-interpretation comes especially into evidence in the vast coniferous forests
of the Northern Hemisphere, as well as in the tropics.

In the introductory part are surveyed structure and properties of colour films,
particularly falsecolour films, as well as the characteristics of the spectral reflectance
and the mode of image formation of the healthy and damaged forest trees
and stands.