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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/1972 str. 29     <-- 29 -->        PDF


Androić, M.-K 1 e p a c, D. (1969.): Problem sušenja jele u Gorskom KotaruSloveniji. Sum. list 1/2.
D e k a n i ć, I- (1963.): Proučavanje optimalne strukture sastojine (po vrstama drveća
i etažama) u vezi sa korišćenjem sunčane energije, hranjiva u tlu i gospodarske
namjene (preborne sastojine), Zagreb.
Klepac , D. (1970.): Kako utvrditi postotak smanjenja asimilacijske površine u
zaraženim jelovim šumama. Sum. list 7/8.
S p a i ć, I. (1969.): Neka ekološka opažanja i rezultati suzbijanja moljca jelinih
iglica (Argyresthia fundella F. R.) Šum. list 5/6.
Spaić , I. (1969.) a): Suzbijanje moljca jelinih iglica (Argyresthia fundella F. R)
1968. god. u Gorskom kotaru, Šum. list 1/2.
S p a i ć, I. (1969. b): Stanje zaraze i suzbijanje moljca jelinih iglica (Argyresthia
fundella F. R.) u 1969. godini, Šum. list 11/12.
Šafar , J. (1963.): Uzgajanje šuma, Zagreb8.
Š k r e b, S.-Letnik, J. (1942,): Klimatska razdioba Hrvatske, Zemljopis Hrvatske,
I, Zagreb.
Vajda , Z. (1954): Moljac jelovih iglica u sastojinama Gorskog kotara. Šum. list


Investigations on natural regeneration of Fir stand attacked by the Fir needle
moth (Argyresthia fundella F. R.) and other pests were carried out in the Gorski
Kotar region (Croatia), Forest District Zalesina. The experiment was laid out in
Fir/Beech stands on limestone parent material (Fago-Abietetum Horv.), and in the
stands of Fir with Hardfern (Blechno-Abietetum) on silicate parent material, and this
on two opposite aspects, viz. SW and NE, S and N. Taking into consideration that
Silver Fir in the last 8 years yielded 5 good seed crops 3 times every second year,
while the last two crops occurred subsequently, such intensive seed crops are to be
explained by the reaction of Fir trees to the danger of pests, primarily the Fir
needle moth. In Fir trees whose damage intensity did not exceed an estimated 1/2,
it was not possible to notice a reduced seed crop. In the Beech/Fir stand on the
southern aspect only 15% of the total number of controlled trees yielded seeds —
with an average estimate of yield of 2.4, while on the northern aspect 41% of trees
yielded seeds with a yield estimate of 3.2.

In the stand of Fir with Hardfern of the total young reproduction there remained
in life only 10% of two-year, and 6% of three-year seedlings. In this same stand
better regeneration conditions were found on the NE than on the SW aspect. This is
especially conspicuous in the height-class II, III and IV of the young growth, i. e.
in those height-classes where the percentage of young growth mortality is the least.