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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/1972 str. 28     <-- 28 -->        PDF

B o r 1 a u g, N. E.: Organizing National Crop Production Campaigns. Strategy
for the Conquest of Hunger Symposium convened by the Rockefeller
Foundation, at the Rockefeller University in New York (pages 98—101).
April 1968.
B o r 1 a u g, N. E.: Wheat Breeding and its Impact on World Food Supply.
Proceedings 3rd. International Wheat Genetics Symposium. Canberra,
Australian Academy of Science, Canberra, Australia. 1968.
B o r 1 a u g, N. E. and C. F. K r u 11 : The Utilization of Collections in
Plant Breeding and Production.
International Biological Program Handbook No. 11, Genetics Resources in
Plants. Their Exploration and Conservation (pg. 427—429) Blackwell Scientific
Publications. — Oxford and Edinburgh. — 1970.
B o r 1 a u g, N. E.: A Cereal Breeder and Ex-Forester´s Evaluation of the
Progress and Problems Involved in Breeding Rust Resistant Forest Trees.
Proceedings of the NATO-IUPRO Study Symposium — University of
Idaho, Moscow, Idaho, U. S. A. 1969.
Mirko Vidaković