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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/1972 str. 60     <-- 60 -->        PDF

that 20% of needles were destroyed, etc. To this purpose I constructed a

special form in the shape of Table 1 presented in the mentioned number of

Šumarski list.

In order to make possible at the same time the determination of increment

of individual trees and of the whole forest, there were made borings on

all Fir trees which fell into the line of sight (when laying out strips by

compass). From each Fir tree was taken one increment core, which was

wrapped into a piece of paper on which was recorded the compartment

number, diameter b. h. and percentage of reduction of assimilating surface

on the bored tree. There were taken in all 695 samples (cores) from as many

Fir trees, as follows:

326 cores from 326 Fir trees with full crown;

230 cores from 230 Fir trees with crown reduced by 10%;

95 cores from 95 Fir trees with crown reduced by 20%;

33 cores from 33 Fir trees with crown reduced by 30%;

9 cores from 9 Fir trees with crown reduced by 40%;

2 cores from 2 Fir trees with crown reduced by 50%;

695 cores in total

Another variant of presentation would be as follows:
1 X 326 = 326.0

0.9 X 230 = 207.0
0.8 X 95 = 76.0
0.7 X 33 = 23.1
0.6 X 9 = 5.4
0.5 X 2 = 1.0
The figure 638.5 means the present state of the assimilating surface. If
this state is compared with the state before damage (695) we obtain a
difference of 56.5. This difference gives us information about the reduction
of the assimilating surface, which in percents amounts to:

p = 100 = 8%

Which would mean that in the management of »Belevine« the assimilating
surface is diminished by about 8%. We obtained a similar data on the
basis of a more complete calculation taking into consideration all measured
trees on strips, where the situation was as follows: 3,368.9 means the state
of assimilating surface at the beginnig of July, 1971; the state before damage
was 3,702. The difference is 333.9 or 8.9%. Which means that the samples
(cores) are good representatives of the condition of the forest, which is
understandable, because the sample-strips were laid out according to the
principle of random sampling.