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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/1972 str. 58     <-- 58 -->        PDF

Zaražena stabla izgubila su određenu količinu iglica. Navedenim se istraživanjima
došlo do zaključka, da smanjenje asimilacijske površine prouzrokuje
padanje debljinskog prirasta, koje smo za istraženi objekt mogli izraziti
eksponencijalnom krivuljom na slici 6, gdje x = 1 označuje potpunu
krošnju; x = 0.9 krošnju u kojoj nedostaje 10% iglica; x = 0.8 označuje
krošnju koja je izgubila 20% iglica itd., a 0 označuje stablo bez ijedne iglice.

spomenute krivulje vidi se ovo:

ako je asimilacijska površina
smanjena za 10% debljinski prirast pada za 20%

ako je asimilacijska površina
smanjena za 20% debljinski prirast pada za 35%

ako je asimilacijska površina
smanjena za 30% debljinski prirast pada za 45%

ako je asimilacijska površina
smanjena za 40% debljinski prirast pada za 55%
itd. itd.
To je prvi rezultat istraživanja samo na jednom objektu. Istraživanja će
se nastaviti na drugim objektima i u drugim uvjetima, da bi se mogla utvrditi

Investigations of the effect of defoliators on the increment of Fir forests

Withih the framework of complex investigations on »The epidemic
dieback and drying of Silver Fir (Abies alba Mill.)« my role was among other
things to investigate what repercussions the mentioned dieback had on the
increment. Thanks to the financial funds of the Institute of Forest Research,
Faculty of Forestry, Zagreb, it was possible for me to investigate the mentioned
problem. Taking into consideration that already in previous years I
was concerned with similar problems — either on my own initiative or as
a collaborator of the Institute of Forest Research of the S. R. od Croatia

— this paper represents in some measure a continuation of my previous
studies. Therefore it is quite understandable that as the object of my
research I chose the management unit of »Belevine« in the Gorski Kotar
region (Croatia), i. e. the same acidophilus Fir forest (Abieto-BlechnetumHorvat) which has been the subject of repeated investigations, and was
described in detail in Šumarski list (Forestry Review), Glasnik za šumske
pokuse (Annals for Forest Research) etc. So far we have at our disposal
very different and valuable data of measurements and observations regarding
this faculty demonstration forest. As it was simultaneously subjected to
various attacks, beginning with mistletoe (Viscum album f. sp. abietis Tub.)
to the Fir needle moth (Argyresthia fundella F. R.), and other defoliators,
I decided to focus my observations and measurements on this forest in
order to give an answer to the query under discussion.
The magnitude of increment is influenced by various factors. It is very
difficult to isolate but one factor and to investigate its effect only. In the
present investigations we have exactly to deal with such a case: it is neccessary