prilagođeno pretraživanje po punom tekstu

ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/1972 str. 43     <-- 43 -->        PDF

Naravno, odatle isto tako proizlazi da ni šumsko zemljište, a ni drvna
zaliha (sastojina) nisu nikakav kapital, ni odvojeno, a ni u obliku svoje
organske cjeline — šume. Šuma (klasična) se ne pojavljuje kao rezultat
uloženog rada, ne predstavlja minuli rad i nema vrijednosti. Šuma, bilo kao
prašuma bilo kao gospodarena šuma, predstavlja prirodnu biološku pojavu,
prirodno bogatstvo i osnovni uvjet za proizvodnju proizvoda eksploatacije
šuma. Šuma se iz godine u godinu ponovno pojavljuje kao dar prirode, neopterećen
bilo kakvim prethodnim troškovima.

Razni pokušaji u šumarskoj ekonomskoj teoriji, da se »proizvodnja šume«
predoči kao svaka druga robna proizvodnja, i da se utvrdi bilo rentovna,
troškovna, prihodna ili upotrebna vrijednost šume, samo su uzaludni pokušaji
primjene mistifikacija vulgarne političke ekonomije, da se jedna političko
ekonomska kategorija — renta — (cijena drva u šumi na panju), koja
se ostvaruje radom u eksploataciji šuma, prikaže kao kamati kapitala uloženih
bilo u šumsko zemljište, drvnu zalihu, kulturne ili upravne troškove.

Kao proizvodnja šumskih proizvoda ispoljava se djelatnost eksploatacije
šuma, dok se ulaganje živog i minulog rada u uzgajanje šuma ispoljava kao
društvena aktivnost na reprodukciji ili osnivanju šume kao prirodnog bogatstva,
kao prirodne biološke pojave i kao osnovnog uvjeta za proizvodnju
proizvoda eksploatacije šuma.



On the basis of the expositions presented the author concludes that the forest,
in the sense of political economy, cannot be taken as a fixed asset, for it lachs
the signs of a fixed asset: it is valueless and does not transfer part of value to
the products; hence there is no depreciation of the forest as a part of value that
is not transferred to the products. The growing stocks (stands) are not fixed
assets either, but they are also not working capital.

As a matter of course it ensues that neither forest ground nor timber stocks
(stands) are capital, either separatedly or in the shape of their organic whole —
the forest. The forest (classic) does not make its appereance as the result of
invested labour, it does not represent materialized labour, and has no value
whatever. The forest, either as virgin forest or managed forest, represents a natural
biologic phenomenon, natural resources, and the basic condition for the production
of forest exploitation products. The forest appears again and again each year as
a gift of nature, unburdened by any foregoing expenditure.

Various attempts in the forest economic theory to presents the »production
of forest« as any other goods production, and to establish the rental, cost, yield
or use value of the forest are but vain attempts at applying a mystification of
vulgar political economy, to represent a political-economic category — the rent —
(stumpage price) that is realized through work in the exploitation of forests as
interests of capital invested either in forest ground, growing stock, cultural or
administrative expenses.

As the production of forest products there is manifest the activity of forest
exploitation, whilst investing live and materialized labour in silviculture manifests
itself as a social activity in the reproduction or establishment of forest as natural
resources, as a nautral biologic phenomenon and the fundamental condition for
the creation of products of forest exploitation.