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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/1971 str. 66     <-- 66 -->        PDF

of the Forest Districts of Skrad, Ravna Gora, Mrkopalj, Delnice, Fužine, Crni Lug,
Gerovo, Tržišće and Prezid (Fig. 3). They comprise about 61,500 hectares of
Beech/Fir and Fir forests of the mentioned Forest Enterprise, with a total volume
(growing stock) of ca. 18.500,000 cu. m. In this volume Fir accounts for 64.7°/o,
and Beech for 35.3D/». The current annual increment of this growing stock amounts
to ca. 376,900 cu. m. in which Fir participates with 67.5l;l/o, and Beech with 32.5%>.

The investigated forests grow on a silicate (7.9Vo) and calcareous (92.1°/o) parent
material with an average Fir proportion in the stand of 0.8 (on silicate) and 0.7
on limestone, and with an averate growing stock of Fir of 372 cu. m./ha. (on
silicate) and 253 cu. m./ha. (on limestone).

In the investigated area were built a total of 1,044.7 km. of transport facilities,
of which railways 50 km., public roads (Irst, Und and Illrd order) 273.9 km.,
and forest roads 720.8 km (railways excluded), from which we may conclude that
the mentioned forests are not only accessible but also intensively managed.

The results of investigations show that the Forest District of Gerovo does
not realize the relative differential rental of feretility, and that — because of the
limitation of forests and the need of society for wood — this forest district has
the lowest market value of the increment, which we have equalized with the
production price of this increment, and that all other forest districts, in relation
to this one, possess definite amounts of the mentioned rentals, which is the
consequence of different site conditions of the investigated stands.

The least relative differential rental of fertilit y is realized by the Forest
District of Skrad with 5 Din./ha., and the highest by the Forest Districts of Crni
Lug, where this rental amounts to 576 Din./ha. or 115.2 times more than in the
Forest District of Skrad. The remaining investigated forest districts — according
to Table 10 and Figure 2 — are situated between the mentioned amounts, i. e.:
Forest District of tršće 194 Din./ha., Forest District of Mrkopali 329 Din./ha.,
Forest District of Fužine 336 Din./ha., Forest District of Prezid 344 Din./ha., Forest
District of Delnice 408 Din./ha., and Forest District of Ravna Gora 439 Din./ha.

As district from the mentioned results — the relative diferential rental of
localit y is not realized by the Forest District of Prezid. The least relative
differential rental of locality is realized by the Forest District of Tršće with 0.02
Din/ton., and the highest by the Forest District of Delnice with 10.04 Din./ton.
A lower amount than this of the relative differential rental of locality is realized
by the Forest District of Fužine (9.68 Din./ton.), then by the Forest District of
Ravna Gora (6.90 Din./ton.), further the Forest Districts of Crni Lug (6.57 Din./ton.)
and Mrkopalj (3.74 Din./ton.), and the Forest District of Skrad (1.85 Din./ton.)
(Tab. 22, and Fig. 6).

As is wisible from the mentioned data — although the structure according
to kinds of wood and assortments affects the magnitude of one and the other
investigated rental, and although both of them are influenced by the social
requirements for wood — the latter is almost exclusively the consequence of the
transport distance of wood assortments from auxiliary depot to the consumer
(market), which is precicely the reason why these two rentals in our investigations
do not coincide in the studied forest districts.

Aiming at equalizing the earning conditions from the aspect of the explored
rentals, and aiming at the implementation of a stimulative distribution of income,
and of personal income according to the results of work — we propose that
through a self-governmental agreement of the economic units (forest districts)
the realized means of rentals should be concentrated, and that on the
same self-governmetal basis, through their redistributio n a policy of
development of the forest enterprise as a whole should be secured.

We consider the given proposal to be founded, the more so as it is not possible
to carry out such an adequate organizing of economic units (forest districts),
which would possess equal areas, equal site classes, equal growing-stock volumes,
proportion of stand mixture, road density per 1,000 ha., numbers of employed,
etc. in the interest of all individuals, then of economic units and of the forest
enterprise as a whole, which unites these interests.